4/18/2023 Entry One The theme of Day 52: you see bread – eat. you see food – eat

the first presentation review in 16 parts

1)The event starts with the presentation of the Fermata Art Foundation and the organization’s activities in the country. Then the main part of the presentation begins, the speaker stands at the rostrum and begins to introduce himself. After a few details, the presenter gets down to business and starts talking about Georgia.

2)The presentation on Georgia begins with a general geographical explanation, in particular, the presenter says that the country Georgia is located in the Caucasus region, which in turn is between Europe and Asia, and also mentions the strategic location and the Silk Road. After a brief overview of the location, the presenter mentions prehistoric human footprints and artifacts found in southern Georgia that confirm the first human footprints outside of Africa.

3)After prehistoric history, we continue to talk about the sources of ancient civilizations where Georgia is mentioned, it is also mentioned that at that time there were two ancient states on the territory of Georgia and there are references to both states in ancient Greek literature and mythology.

4)The fourth part of the presentation is devoted to the agrarian culture of Georgia and the importance of vines in Georgian culture. It is said that there are more than 500 varieties of vines in Georgia, and it is also said that Georgia is considered the country of wine because the first proven artifacts of winemaking were found in Georgia. Finally, the presenter says that all regions of Georgia have their own independent and unique culture, which is reflected in the food and dances of Georgians.

5)In the next part of the presentation, we continue to talk about Georgia’s relationship with ancient powerful states, and Georgia’s relationship with neighboring countries after the birth of Christ. It is also mentioned that Georgia adopted Christianity in the fourth century, and this was the beginning of the confrontation with the Eastern world during the following centuries. At the end of this part, the presenter says that the ancient Christian buildings miraculously escaped destruction and adds that the country’s national script is one of the 14 scripts in the world.

6)The presentation continues with a brief history of how Georgia became Christian in the fourth century and lists 4 preachers who were the first to spread the new religion in the country. And after this part, the conversation begins about the unification of Georgia and the “Golden Age” of Georgia, which was in the 11-12 centuries. It is about the Georgian achievements of this period in the development of literature and education, as well as the precedents of the first parliament.

7)After that, the presentation goes to the discussion of the ethnography of Georgia, the conversation begins with the ethnic diversity and tolerance of Georgia, which is confirmed by ancient international sources, as well as the presence of shrines of various religious denominations in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, which have been unchanged in the city center for many centuries.

8)After the golden age and the diverse tolerant past, the conversation begins about the Middle Ages, which turned out to be quite difficult for Georgia, even though during this period Europe flourished and it was the peak of the Renaissance, the speaker says that Georgia became the target of many invaders during this period.

9)After this difficult period, the presenter already talks about the events of the 18th century, where the Russian-Georgian relationship begins, and the next 200 years of occupation and the abolition of autocephaly. After his time in the Russian Empire, as the narrator says, after the revolution, the empire began to disintegrate and a few countries managed to gain independence.

10)It is said in the presentation that Georgia’s independence took a while. However, according to the speaker, Georgia caught up and adopted a constitution, which was one of the most modern and democratic in Europe. And at the beginning of 1921, according to the speaker, Georgia became a victim of Soviet Russia and lost its independence again.

11)After this, the presenter temporarily stops the presentation and the audience, focuses on the maps he talked about earlier, and shows a copy of the Act of Independence and old footage of the day the Act of Independence was adopted.

12)In the next part of the presentation, we are already talking about Soviet Georgia, the industrial progress of Georgia, and the development of infrastructure. Specific industries and fields that emerged in Georgia during the Soviet period are mentioned. On the importance of tourism and the appearance of Georgia in the international arena.

13)After the overview of Soviet Georgia, the presenter is already moving on to the second declaration of independence, which followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and he talks about the tragic fate of the first president of Georgia and the resulting conflicts in the separatist regions. He also mentions the war in the center of Tbilisi, when the opposition overthrew the legitimate government.

14)After the 90s of Georgia, the speaker talks about the territories that are still under occupation and describes them geographically.In the end, the presenter briefly explains the state management system of Georgia and mentions the fact that today’s president of Georgia is the first woman elected by the people.

15)After the keynote presentation, the question-and-answer session begins. The very first question was asked shortly after the end of the presentation. There were many questions from the attending public, and the main part of the questions directly related to Georgia:

1) Do you still feel pressure and influence from Moscow in Georgia?

2) What parts of Georgian territory are currently occupied by Russia?

3) Is there still active conflict in occupied territories?

4) Did Georgia participate in WWI?

5) How big is Georgia’s territory?

6) Does Georgia have oil?

7) What ethnicities are mostly living in Georgia?

8) What educational system are we using in Georgia?

9) What kind of connection does Georgian Iberia have with
Spanish Iberia?

10) Why are white people called Caucasian?

11) Have you noticed climate change in Georgia?

12) What does the Georgian flag mean?

4/17/2023Entry Four The theme of Day 51 Pilgrims – well, well, pilgrims And I am Zelenskyy Pilgrim in the office of the White House But I didn’t touch anything, I just got everything

Maracay is one of the largest cities in Venezuela and is located in the central part of the country. In Maracay, it is very hot in the summer, the city seems to be trapped in dry hot air, it has always been like that, this is shown by the caricatures found in old newspapers.
There are many cars in the city, the unbearable heat is added to the exhaust fumes from the cars, and the concrete city becomes a polygon of dust and dirt thrown into the heated air. Although the heat and bad air are not the biggest problems here, summer only lasts for 3 months, but the hardship and hopelessness have settled here for many years. The father came home, irritated by poverty, who had been standing in a traffic jam for 2 hours on a full bus. He received a salary of 70000000 bolivars! half of which he spent before coming home, paying off his debts. If we count the second half of the salary for the 9-person Maldanado family by state standards, they are divided over 3 days, only for food. Dad took off his boots, which he has been wearing for the fourth year, and put them in a corner. The tired father found his wife and most of his children in the living room. They had rice porridge for dinner, which is traditionally 4 times a week because rice is one of the cheapest foods in the country.
“Guillermo turn on the TV” the father shouted to his youngest son, Guillermo got up and pressed the power button on the old, dusty TV. The TV didn’t turn on, then Guillermo hit his fist from above, once, twice, now it turned on. The national broadcasting company broadcasts news on TV, and the national bolivar has devalued again, the TV announcer began with a heavy voice, “There is a protest rally in the city center again,” the announcer continued, the country’s government is celebrating a successful year and creating a new national holiday, the day of national success!
Here the father ran out of patience and quickly jumped up and quickly turned off the half-broken black and white TV.
“Where is Miguel?” asked his father
“Miguel is at work, but he will come soon today because the employees of his company are on strike,” answered his wife.
“Come on… is he Che Guevara?” He doesn’t know that now is not the time for that and the bank owes the tax” his father shouted and clapped his hand on the table.
How is Gabriela? Is she still in the club of those idiotic young politicians?” asked his father in a hopeless tone.
“Yes, with his friends,” replied Guillermo.
“God, what did I do wrong? Why are all my children idle?” the father said in a low tone and suddenly started to bang loudly on the door.
“Who is it?” asked the father in a hoarse voice.
“We are from the opposition party’s National Movement Block! We conduct our general survey at the national level,” answered the woman from outside.
“I’m not interested,” replied the father.
“You don’t care about the future fate of your country?” shouted a woman from outside in a cynical tone.
“No!” replied the father and turned around.
“Come on, they are young people, they probably haven’t eaten today,” said the wife to her husband. Father nodded and went into the bedroom. The wife went to the door and opened it, outside she met three young men, two boys, and one girl, all three of them were wearing black clothes and had red bands around their necks. The wife invited the young men to the living room.
Tell me what kind of survey you are conducting. asked his wife.
”We are from the youth organization “Protect Venezuela”, we cooperate with the biggest opposition party in our country and together we made a list, we call it the list of traitors, after the victory of our candidatures, in the elections, we will find all the persons recorded in this list, and we punished him severely!” said the girl proudly.
Yes, but how do you make this list? Or what are you going to do to those you write in this list? asked the astonished wife.
“We will include all the counter-protesters in this list, those who will be fixed, and the members of the list, some will be shot, and some will be sentenced to life imprisonment,” said the girl, straightening her shoulders and stretching her neck.
“It’s understandable but will this help our country?” asked the smiling wife.
“Of course, this is done in the name of the people! And people are always a holy force!” said the girl, taking the list in her hands and standing up.
“Your family seems to be in favor of the government, we have nothing to do here, be careful, you don’t end up on this list” The girl smiled cynically and went to the door with her friends.

4/16/2023 Entry Three The theme of Day 51 Pilgrims – well, well, pilgrims And I am Zelenskyy Pilgrim in the office of the White House But I didn’t touch anything, I just got everything

Georgian will not come to the rally due to economic problems, his ego is higher than that of France.

The Georgian will not come to the rally because of the climate crisis, his ego is higher than that of the German.

The Georgian will not come to the rally because of social inequality, his ego is higher than that of Sweden.

He will not go to the rally to protest the Georgian education system, his ego is higher than Finnelisa’s.

Georgian will not go to the rally to protest the problems of the medical field, his ego is higher than Daniela’s.

The Georgian will not go to the rally against the unorganized General Plan, his ego is higher than that of the Czech Republic.

He will not raise his voice against the Georgian government, his ego is higher than that of Belarusians.

He will not go to the rally to protest the violence of the Georgian policeman, his ego is higher than that of the American.

A Georgian will not participate in a rally against one-candidate elections, his ego is higher than that of an Estonian.

The Georgian will not come to the rally because of the fight for freedom, his ego is higher than that of Lithuania.

The Georgian will not come to the rally due to the collapse of the wrongly built building, his ego is higher than that of the Icelander.

The Georgian will not participate in the rally due to the removal of Russian products from the stores, his ego is higher than the Ukrainian.

The Georgian will not go to the rally to protest the mandatory universal slavery, his ego is higher than the Romanian one.

He will not come to the rally because of the killing of Georgian women, his ego is higher than that of the Spaniard.

The Georgian will not come to the rally because of the rape of the child, his ego is higher than the Portuguese.

The Georgian will not go to the rally against the exploitation of animals, his ego is higher than that of the Dutch woman.

The Georgian will not go to the rally against the eviction, his ego is higher than the Italian one.

The Georgian will not come to the rally due to cultural repression, his ego is higher than the English one.

A Georgian will not go against his Prime Minister, his ego is higher than Hungarian.

A Georgian will not object to fascism, his ego is higher than that of a Polish woman.

Georgian is the Best!

4/15/2023 Entry Two The theme of Day 51 Pilgrims – well, well, pilgrims And I am Zelenskyy Pilgrim in the office of the White House But I didn’t touch anything, I just got everything

part 1
In the first part of the presentation, the presenter starts talking about Georgian symbolism, in particular the national flag of Georgia, he tells about the colors and other features of the flag, what it means, and what each detail means.
The speech continues with a general geographical and demographic overview of Georgia, and then the conversation begins with culture, in particular, the traditional Georgian clothing “chokha”. It is also about the origin of Chokha and the Georgian influence that changed it.
The presenter returns to the geographical location of Georgia and tries to give the audience an idea of the location of Georgia.
The lecture continues, about prehistoric Georgia, where we talk about ancient artifacts found on the territory of Georgia. Then, the topic of conversation is the existence of ancient Georgia in the sources of ancient civilizations and the first state formations on the territory of Georgia.
The lecture continues with the ancient Greek mythology Argo, the story of which takes place in Kolkhi (the ancient state of Georgia), the line understands the fact that Georgia has had a great role in the world since the time of the existence of ancient civilizations.
After that, the narrator talks about the etymological origin of the name of Georgia, and the speech turns to the vine, which is an integral part of the Georgian identity and culture. Attention is drawn to the fact that the culture of picking vines and planting grapes contributed to the preservation of Georgian identity to some extent.

Part 2
The second part of the presentation continues with the history of the relationship between Georgia and wine and why Georgia is considered the homeland of wine.
The discussion of Georgian culture continues, this time the object of discussion is Georgian national dances or Georgian ballet. In the framework of the discussion, it is mentioned about the influence of the battle on Georgian dances, the presentation says that there are two main dances of the national ballet, military/combat or love, which are performed between a man and a woman.
After the cultural dances, a few words are devoted to the tradition of Georgian metallurgy and the military industry.
After that, the presenter returns to the above-mentioned importance of Christianity for Georgia, the conversation about Christianity becomes general and the conversation turns to the influences of the architecture of Georgian temples, the uniqueness of Georgian writing is added to this.
After that, the topic turns to medieval Georgia, and the difficult period that the country had since the 13th century, the speaker informs us that the final of the Middle Ages was the 18th century when Georgia became part of the Russian Empire. Chronologically, we go to the beginning of the twentieth century, we briefly review the Soviet Union and the contemporary history of Georgia from the 90s is discussed in more detail, where we talk about the confrontation of politicians and the worst situation in the post-Soviet space, of course, the war between Russia and Georgia is also added to this. The second part ends with the beginning of positive moments in the history of Georgia, the so-called golden age, which was in Georgia in the 12th century.

part 3
part 3
The third part begins with Shota Rustaveli and his genius poem, which was written in 12th-century Georgia, and at the beginning, the presenter tells us about other important political events that happened in Georgia’s best years.
After the end of the golden age, the conversation turns to the ethnic diversity of Georgia and the tolerant nature of Georgian culture, the existence of different old chapels in the capital of Georgia, and examples of the hospitality of Georgians are given.
After that, the topic of the presentation goes back to the twentieth century, and in this case, the Soviet period is discussed in detail. It is about the brutality of the communist system against individualism and about the people who fought against this totalitarian machine and defended their national identity. Merab Berdzenishvili is mentioned in the presentation as an outstanding person in the struggle for Georgian identity through art. The 20th century ends with the Stalin episode, it is explained that Stalin was of Georgian origin and there are still two attitudes towards him.
This concludes the main part of the presentation and begins the discussion question and answer mode.
1 question – where are you from?
2 questions – what was the origin of Georgia?

Part 4
In the fourth part, there is already a mode of direct questions.
Question 3 – How did it happen that so many religious people live in Georgia?
Question 4 – How many years did the current president of Georgia live in Georgia before he became president?
5 questions – how long do the concerts of Georgian dancers last?
Question 6 – What part of Georgia’s territory did Putin seize?
Question 7 – connect the concept of Georgian dances to events happening now in Ukraine
Question 8 – Is it known about Georgian songs and dances in America?

part 5
The fifth part was mainly a discussion, the conversation started with a speech by Nikolay Synkov.
Question 9 – How long will civilization last?
Question 10 – Why did Putin take over Ossetia and Abkhazia?

Part 6
The entire 6th part was devoted to the discussion about the uniqueness of the Caucasus and the fact that this region does not belong to the general family of any continent, as well as the problems related to raising the awareness of small countries in the United States of America.

April 16, 2023 ENTRY TWO

Method developed by Nikolay Synkov for Nikoloz Gvasalia to analyze his presentations:

15 cubes
1 cube is empty.

  1. All parts of the work are divided into 16 parts
  2. 1 part in conjunction with others when added which = 15. It is equal in importance to one.
  3. indicate internal connections that are not in the text

“We are working with the disclosure of the internal connections of the parts
We train the brains for the leader”

April 22, 2023 ENTRY TWO:

Fermata Arts Foundation 16 Tiles Method

4/14/2023 Entry One The theme of Day 51 Pilgrims – well, well, pilgrims And I am Zelenskyy Pilgrim in the office of the White House But I didn’t touch anything, I just got everything

Every source of inspiration you’ve ever gently danced with is a lie. Snow, the warmth of which you could feel down to the smallest particles of your soul. It’s a lie that you can love Beatrice at first sight, as if the dreams that belonged only to you and you would never give up for anything have turned into aimless goals as if you are being prepared to be shot and mockingly called behind your back to get on your knees so that you, losing your dignity, close your gray eyes, doomed to loneliness. Your life is those dusty dreams, crying on the shelf, that is enjoying yourself and looking for a particle of faith in a dirty pit for existence…

To the awakened one, from the farthest corner, soft notes of purple rain escape you. You also feel the lightness of Beatrice’s scent, you realize that your survival is the result of one big explosion. That very day, when the lilac blossomed in the garden for the first time, it was as if you felt the lightness of the movement in the garden, at this time, in the heavy brown of the room, you feel the rays of the sun from the window and you want to caress the warmth, as if every particle of light is feeding you with the scent of peace. It distributes beautiful invitations of your thoughts, and coziness, as if Bertolucci creates this emotion and Bowie dedicates the songs to it.

4/13/2023 Entry Six The theme of Day 50Stand in front of me like a horse in front of grass – Zelenskyy in the office of the US President Pay is not for me – Zelenskyy

Again, the country has to watch the spectacle of senseless populism and talentless propaganda, every day we see how politicians fight each other like children. However, this comic meeting clearly showed us the fact that almost the entire opposition elite of Georgia is the personal political power of one corrupt millionaire. Accordingly, the opposition became equivalent to the dream in the index of “slavery” to the oligarch.

Imagine how many propaganda campaigns are going on, from both sides and how much financial resources are being spent on brainwashing.
They buy old politicians whose time has been in the political dustbin for a long time. They finance unrated media, which are busy throwing feces at each other. They fund pseudo-patriotic youth organizations that are uniquely controlled by political parties and have zero trust from the youth. They hire foreign professional PR managers whose work has no real consequences for them.

Now imagine, in this controversy, if at least a quarter of the financial resources spent by Kezerashvili would have been used by the 4,000-strong population of Tsalenjikh municipality, who supported the opposition in the hope that they would live better. Just imagine how many infrastructural or social projects could be implemented with these huge amounts of money. Instead, the Tsalendzhikheles received only Loti Mayor from the opposition, whose driver’s license was taken away. This is the main reason for the nihilistic attitude of the society towards the political life of the country. Unfortunately, the culture of political management in the Georgian reality, even after 30 years, is still immature, and instead of solving real problems, individual political actors are busy brainwashing the masses.

4/12/2023 Entry Five The theme of Day 50Stand in front of me like a horse in front of grass – Zelenskyy in the office of the US President Pay is not for me – Zelenskyy

Yesterday, April 11th Fermata Art Foundation, we visited Chicopee, the birthplace of “Raising Waters”. Rivers and other bodies of water played a major role in the existence of the first Americans or Indians, and it was with this motivation that they named different places with names associated with water.
Rivers were a symbol of movement and love of life for the Indians, they used riverbeds to communicate with each other, it seems that Chicopee was once an important strategic place and may have been the crossroads of a great communication lane.
I arrived at the Chicopee Public Library a little early, as soon as I entered the building and I was met by friendly employees. soon we organized and presented, traditionally we started with a small prologue, performed by Nikolay Synkov. A few weeks ago, I decided to change and improve the presentation style, which turned out to be a real challenge for me, the smallness of the audience in the hall left me with an unusual feeling.
In the region of raging waters, did all the waters stand still and become swamps? Has people’s interest in academia and the arts finally died? Regardless of our presentation, the hall presented an amazing exhibition that gave the soul of the atmosphere, and the grand piano, left alone in the corner, was like a melancholy tandem of moods.
People’s interest is what keeps them alive, and now they are dying.
Society is concerned with the facts of the world, post facto, and people do not even realize that it is in art and history that the answers that frighten and surprise them are hidden.
Why did Putin kill the ideas of independence and individualism in his own country? And why did he expel millions of inhabitants from their homeland?
The answer to all these questions lies in empty museums and libraries.

4/10/2023 Entry Four The theme of Day 50Stand in front of me like a horse in front of grass – Zelenskyy in the office of the US President Pay is not for me – Zelenskyy

Speaking of Easter days.

  • From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday is Holy Sunday, during which the events unfold without which Easter would be incomprehensible: the Last Supper – on Thursday, the Crucifixion of Christ – on Friday. Saturday is a day of silence, but it is not a despairing silence, but the silence of the grain that awakens.
  • Silence before the expected Easter?
  • Expected… Did anyone survive the death? No one wants to enter that black door. Death has always haunted man. But Jesus is special. If in other religions the already revered teacher is honored among the disciples, the end of Jesus is the end of the last thug. Jesus dies a death that [in the eyes of society] the Messiah should not die.

4/8/2023 Entry Tree The theme of Day 50Stand in front of me like a horse in front of grass – Zelenskyy in the office of the US President Pay is not for me – Zelenskyy

American financial aid institutions in the country consist of multi-billion dollar organizations.
Despite the great financial resources, we among the young students of America still face problems related to financing, unfortunately, the average statistical American family cannot ensure that they can cope with university fees. The social class American is too rich for financial aid, yet too poor to pay for college.
Solving the problem was left to the state, which led to dissatisfaction with private universities and colleges. Administrators of educational institutions believe that state intervention in their financial affairs will hinder their financial stability.
However, the fact remains that financial aid organizations, despite their wealth, are unable to do their jobs, which is why many students around the world are at risk of dropping out.