Entry One The theme of Day 43: The trajectory of the flight of the tank squadron of America – with sunset on the moon. Why so far? Land tanks in Georgia.

Curve going to the electronic oscilloscope

Thanks to the global technological leap, our world has turned into an unknown space for us, but at the same time, art remains untouched and tries to adapt to modernity.
We are all actors, and each of us plays a role, but in the technological age, each of us is connected to an electronic oscilloscope.
On the world stage, there are still super-countries that have insatiable ambitions to gain imperialist influence, a clear example of this is the current events on the territory of Eastern Europe, where millions of citizens are sacrificed in the process of redistribution of power. Entire families become victims of static hopelessness, and they have to seek refuge in neighboring countries, without any financial support, to rely on themselves. The actions of corrupt officials with a post-Soviet mentality can cause such serious consequences. Through the conflict in Ukraine, we saw that inhumane political decisions can lead to the clinical death of an entire nation. Today, almost a third of the nation has left Ukraine, what will happen in the future is unknown, although we can say that the step-by-step activity of the high-ranking officials of the aggressive Russian government has yielded beneficial results for themselves, now the Ukrainian nation, in clinical death, is waiting for heavy artillery instead of developing humanitarian packages.
In parallel, in the Caucasus, Georgia is trying to prevail in all directions. A country with a centuries-old history, just a few years ago, endured the worst military conflict with its northern neighbor, and similarly, the corrupt leaders of the post-Soviet country showed themselves in the disappearance of finances without a trace. However, it must be said that almost no one heard about the war 14 years ago, the world did not see anything then, that’s why this static passivity of the world caused today’s severe events in Ukraine.
Georgia, as a representative of an ancient civilization and culture in the region, must take a leading position in initiating international dialogues in the future. In order to prevent future crises, it is necessary to hold many events for young people, it is necessary to initiate the creation of international dialogue clubs, where young adults will be invited and important topics will be discussed, first of all, cultural and artistic topics that unite us the most. An international forum for debate must be created to allow all independent-minded young people to express their thoughts, young people must discuss religious values and similarities in traditions, adults must clearly distinguish topics such as: the damage caused by racism to the world, discrimination and hatred as the origin of evil and violence so on.
It is necessary that the leaders of the democratic world take into account the importance of social activism in the Eastern European region. The development of events with such a diagrammatic principle will bring catastrophic results in the future, not only for the region, but for the whole world.

Entry Six The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks.

Another Direction

Under the conditions of any government regime, there are identical specific services that, despite ideological differentiation, perform on the basis of standard, international protocol, such a distinguished service, diplomatic missions.
The desire to dominate is an integral part of the human genetic code. After the transition to the patriarchal era, due to masculine deviations, aggressive physical confrontations often took place between societies throughout history. However, it must be said that there were facts with a positive precedent, for example, in the territory of ancient Mesopotamia, where there were many city-states that had their own sovereign claims and independent languages, and at the same time they still used a common diplomatic language, Babylonian. It is surprising, but it is a fact that the first diplomatic The truce took place in 2850 BC, the treaty is considered to be the first example in the history of diplomacy that dialogue is the basis of mutual understanding.
What is happening now, many thousands of years later, in our electronic age, even in the process of our cultural reconstruction, high-tech superpowers are using lethal weapons in wars, unfortunately even today human life is devalued.
The fact is that the diplomatic missions created by us are not able to fulfill the mission assigned to them, we must, every day, discuss the diplomatic mistakes and plans and try to correct them.
In the territory of the largest superstate, it is necessary to initiate the creation of international dialogue clubs, where young adults will be invited and important topics will be discussed, first of all, cultural and artistic topics that unite us the most. An international forum for debate must be created to allow all independent-minded young people to express their thoughts, young people must discuss religious values and similarities in traditions, adults must clearly distinguish topics such as: the damage caused by racism to the world, discrimination and hatred as the origin of evil and violence so on.
Administrators of embassies should clearly understand that supporting such activities is the weapon that will save peace in the future in different regions.
The main problem of embassies and similar institutions is that they refrain from cooperating with public structures that try to raise the culture and, with the aim of raising the interest of international communities, and start active dialogues between people.
Every such civic idea should be of great value to the embassy, concerned citizens, is a good source for future positive dynamics and a useful action factor for the structure. The main principle based on equality must be considered for any civil individual. After such features, work should be started on a clearly defined action plan regarding the integration of foreign diplomatic missions into the supersociety.
Equally important is the involvement of educational institutions in similar projects. The legitimate cooperation of the world’s leading American universities with other institutions with a common goal will make the struggle for the main goal of the project even more meaningful. During the period of active cultural exchange, I think that many interesting topics will be raised, which will certainly interest the administration of universities and departments, and will ultimately have a positive effect on educational institutions.

Entry Seven The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks.

Meeting in Kyrgyzstan Embassy

Today, on February 27, the team of Fermata Art Foundation visited Washington DC, within the framework of the visit, we met with the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to the USA, Mr. Baktybek A. Amanbaev, the meeting was very productive and informative. He gave us a cultural and geographical presentation and added that the choice of the Kyrgyz nation is the path of democratic development, therefore the country is open to foreign investments to democratize this Central Asian country as quickly as possible.
According to Mr. Amanbaev, the country has great potential, from a geographical point of view, because Kyrgyzstan is located at the crossroads of civilizations, and historically, the legendary Silk Road passed through this Central Asian country. I told the ambassador that the present and the history of Georgia and Kyrgyzstan are very similar, both countries have had a difficult way maintaining their identity throughout history and both countries are going through the most difficult period in the cycle of democratization, and I also told him that the activities of Fermata Art are in perfect harmony for Kyrgyzstan. Priority, in terms of promotion.
Ms. Tatyana Ishutkina and Mr. Nikolai Synkov, Ambassador presented past experiences and meetings of foreign representatives with local governments, and during the meeting, Fermata presented future projects that will be informative and will involve young people living in post-Soviet countries, which will primarily affect positively In the promotion of Kyrgyzstan in the United States of America.
The ambassador also expressed a great desire to give an opportunity through Fermata to hold an informative lecture in the higher education institutions of New England and get to know Kyrgyzstan, which is promising for young people, standing on the path of democracy.
At the end of the meeting, Fermata Art presented to the embassy the pictures of American children drawn within the framework of the children’s project, made especially for their Kyrgyz peers.
Finally, both sides expressed readiness for cooperation and the continuation of future cooperation within the framework of new projects that will help the post-Soviet countries to integrate into the territory of modern America.

Entry Tree The theme of Day 42:

Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks.

Uzbekistan: Student Club & Cultural Center

The graphic table developed by the Fermata Art Foundation accurately reflects the alignment of Fermata’s objectives and goals in the fields of cultural and artistic activity.
In the top row of the table, cultural activities are distributed, and in the first column of the table, skills acquired through cultural activities or general cultural development in an individual are presented, and in the first column, the possibility of deepening international dialogues as a result of cultural activities is also found.
For example, Fostering intercultural education and communication, presented in the first line, is in full agreement with the FAF Program/projects, of which Children Drawing “Ideal House” is a part. , do not have a specific language and they are a common world treasure and a unique language with which we can communicate with each other non-verbally.
It should be noted that such hot topics as Preventing conflicts that mobilize cultural differences and Promoting the implementation of human rights, including cultural
rights are in line with all the pillars of Fermata, based on the fact that any cultural or social activity prevents the limitation of the life and freedom of a person as an individual, unfortunately, a clear example of this is the current post-Soviet space and Ukraine, after the collapse of the communist regime, all kinds of cultural and international dialogues were stopped Among the countries, the new wild capitalist system has led to the development of society not culturally but mercantilely, which has led us to this gravest tragedy, where one human life is not worth the price of one tank.
In the second line of the graph, we find the connection between religious dialogues with artists, which in my opinion is very important, since the cultures of Central Asian and European countries would be a simple void without religious themes. Cultural exchange is the main source that revives art in the world to this day, religious dialogues within the framework of culture will play a very important role in the future, reducing the facts of violence caused by religious fanaticism, and will give a civilized form to the dialogue about the existence of culture in religion.
The mission of the chart represented by Fermata is to achieve the organization’s main idea of creating a bridge of solid cultural dialogue on an international scale, with the help of all fields of culture, and thereby create a future that will be bright and safe for all.

Social problems in post soviet countries

The problems of social differentiation are mostly aimed at the countries of the space of post-Soviet countries, in the republics in which there is no tradition of capitalism, these countries are still adapting after leaving the socialist camp and are in a transitional phase, no one has established and does not exist, it probably depends on the steps and actions of the individual state.
The political and ideological direction of countries in the transitional phase is mostly unstable, this is most evident when we compare the developments in post-Soviet countries with traditional capitalist countries that have long played in the great arena and know all the rules of the game to survive in unusually wild conditions for socialism.
In countries where socialism lasted almost 70 years, in the early 90s, individualism and the free market were struck at once like a tsunami, a small part of society met this event and learned to swim in this huge tsunami, and the vast majority of society failed to come to terms with the foreign rule of life and sank into poverty, In the end, instead of 3 social layers (as in all normal old capitalist countries), 2 social layers emerged. One was a layer on the brink of poverty that fought for survival every day, and the other was the rich.
The ”New Rich” used unusual skills for collectivization and, when introducing the right to privatization, they amassed property, initiated individual, state-independent businesses, started finding international partners and cooperating with them, as well as privatizing various fossil deposits and exporting them.
Looking at the statistical data of the 90s, we will see that between 94% and 97% of the country’s population of all ex-socialist countries, were unable to obtain a living wage and save their family. This period can be called the peak of wild capitalism.
Well, At the same time, countries with western “traditional capitalist economies” disappeared all kinds of trade obstacles, and the largest market opened, with the greatest opportunities and resources, it was the same for them as a huge supermarket, where lots of quality goods can be bought, very, very cheaply. Big Western companies began to move offices and enterprises to the East because the workforce was doing the same thing at a minimum price. This is a golden period for the Western economy in recent history. With the onset of the new century, the economic stabilization of Eastern European countries began, former Communist countries slowly began to follow the rhythm, the geographical location played a huge role, the Baltic countries were lucky in this case, they soon joined European trade and economic organizations, and their economy became stronger relatively soon, Approximately the same fate was made by Poland, although at the same time, a dire situation persisted in the Caucasus region and Ukraine, where separatist or other artificially created conflicts did not allow the regions to develop stable, and from the second half of the 2000s, the communication between Russia and NATO began, which naturally led to an increase in Russia’s interests towards its neighboring countries, All this aggravated the situation and began to actively armed complainants, in many ethnic-separatist regions.
Against the background of all this, the Caucasus region edged further from stabilization, the national currency came under the influence of the Russian economy, which become unsustainable.
In such a strange environment, we had to grow up with my generation and generation, instead of the usual childish carefree years, we always had to hear stories about the political crisis, we saw active war, and bombs, from the age of 9, all peers knew what NATO and the European Union were.
When I grew up always thought that social instability in the country was only about countries with a new economy, and I believed that in countries with a solid economy, everything was much better distributed, but I was disappointed, The disadvantage of the social economy was a locked economy and isolation from the outside world, In the 5 months after I arrived in America, I slowly saw the Great Wall dividing society into different layers, of course, this is not as acute a problem as in Eastern Europe of the 90s but in the big cities of America where everything is visible this problem is nowhere to be hidden. Thanks to American free speech, we often raise social differentiation problems on public Internet platforms, and fortunately, there are active organizations and parts of society trying to awaken an honest feeling in people, a longitude that stands higher than all material values.
What makes our society and how different we are from a herd, political views despite always being remembered that during the period of none of political ideology, the right of a homeless person has been protected in a way that a high official cannot fulfill the idea of justice, we simply need to know individually that we do not perceive human social status as a subject of difference.

The Stalin episode

When talking about the history of Georgia in the 20th century, we must definitely mention, arguably the most famous Georgian in world history, this person created his era, and he was the ruler of the greatest state of new and recent history, this man is Joseph Stalin.
Stalin was born in the small town of Gori in Georgia on December 21, 1879, his real name is Josep Jugashvili, Stalin is his pseudonym, which was named after him due to his strength of character, Stalin means steel in Russian. Stalin created his image, or cult of personality, which probably resembles the most egregious absolute monarchy, the dictator’s role in history is still relevant.
For part of society, he is associated as the creator of a bloody regime that mercilessly and for no reason killed millions of people in work camps, human life for him and individualism had no price. And for many, he remains a hero to this day, having defeated Nazi Germany and allowed the Soviet Union to stand on the side of the twentieth-century super-state, as Winston Churchill said, He came to the Soviet government with a sickle and left it with a nuclear weapon.
Both opinions are acceptable, because in both opinions there are historical facts and events, although the most interesting and objective is probably the opinion of an ordinary citizen living at the time, who saw the period of his rule, perhaps according to the psychoanalysis of these people we can assume what the Soviet Union was like at that time, I remember my grandmother telling me stories in my childhood, How her family was deported to the desert without any grounds, from the capital of Georgia, simply based on some doubts, my grandmother’s mother and father with 4 sisters and brother, found themselves in the desert of middle Kazakhstan, I remember my grandmother telling the hardest stories about their exile, the traumas, that multi family had to endure without all kinds of communication in the wilderness, imagine how strong people were that they still did not lose hope, and despite such misfortune they tried to keep the mood that everything would be fine, but the most interesting and strange thing is that when telling these stories, I did not see anger or disgust towards Stalin, Just imagine how much authority and influence this one simple person had that, his own exiled courageous schoolgirl wrote poems about him and wished him happiness.
What is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, society will probably always argue about it, and everyone will always try to show their truth as a reality.
In my opinion about historical figures, in this case, Stalin, correct or wrong, kind or evil cannot be clarified, the only thing we can boldly talk about historical personalities and events is facts that are neither bad nor good, they simply are.