2/17/2023 Entry Seven 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

MIT experience
Today, February 10, on a sunny but slightly windy day, we left for Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, where I had to propose to the administration of various faculties of MIT collage, the presentation of Esperanto Models From Georgia (The World Among The Caucasus Mountains) organized by the Fermata Arts Foundation. The radius of MIT campuses is the size of a small city, the old buildings adorned with antique columns and the bewildered students chaotically mingling like ants in the streets, and perhaps this is the main attraction of this place.

My first destination was Room 231 of Building 7, where the Department of Architecture was supposed to be. After orientation for a while, I went to the door of the office, but unfortunately, I found the office empty and locked, I decided to look around the auditoriums, and finally, I went to office 264, where I met one of the professors, we had a long conversation, I explained everything to her in detail, unfortunately, the professor told me that it is similar to this department They are not interested in events, although they advised me to use e-mail,
Before I left, I asked the professor which building he recommended me to go to, the professor after thinking for a while told me to go to building 14 because that’s where the architecture department was, I left disappointed and ran into building 14, after 10 minutes of walking around the campus, I reached my next destination, However, building 14 turned out to be a library, I did not hesitate and entered the library, I quickly went to the young receptionist and greeted him, explained in detail who I was and what I wanted, the young librarian was a little confused and after a short pause said that he could not help me, I asked him if it was possible to meet with the library administration, however, he told me that it was impossible because they are not in the building, and when I asked for their e-mail details, he told me that he did not know exactly and advised me to find the address by myself through the Internet. Unfortunately, I left the library disappointed and left for the third destination.

The third place, a little further away, was in building E51, where the Department of History is located, after about another 10-15 minutes of walking, I reached the building easily, and soon found the main office of the department, but unfortunately it was locked, I had to leave for the third time, disappointed when, from the back, I heard a voice, “Can’t I help you?” I turned around and saw a lady, I went to greet her and introduce myself, I explained everything in detail, what I do and what interests I have, it turned out to be this lady, history professor Elizabeth A. Wood. Within MIT, Professor Wood serves as co-director of the MISTI Russia Program, Coordinator of Russian Studies, and adviser to the Russian Language Program. She holds a secondary appointment in MIT’s Global Studies and Languages Section, so we had a long pleasant conversation, I told her about my goals, who my grandfather was, and of course about the Fermata Art Foundation, we exchanged business cards, and Ms. Elizabeth asked me to be sure to contact her about my presentation.

I left the 3rd building with positive emotions, it’s a very good feeling when you find a person of common interests. At the end of the trip, I decided to try to interview people in the territory of the rest of the departments, but unfortunately, the building was almost empty of members of the administration, and wherever I asked, I was told that it would not be possible to interview them today.
In the end, today turned out to be very informative and productive, despite the frustrations, this activity played a very positive role for me.

2/16/2023 Entry Six 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

Trip To The State Of Liberty
On February 9th, we, Fermata Art Foundation, left for the state of New Hampshire, like the previous trip to the state of liberty, this time we were hit by bad weather, in the dark, icy rain beating down on us with all its might, as if trying to prevent us from reaching our destination. After a few hours of driving, we arrived at the Hooksett Public Library, where we were to hold our presentation.
The library building was cozy, library staff met us at the main door and gave us a small tour of the building. We soon started setting up the art installations in the great hall, after the technical preparation of the presentation, we had a little time left before the start, I took advantage of this time to talk to one of the administration members, Ms. Brittany Overton, who turned out to be a former journalist, I was happy with this detail because it was a nice short We started talking about journalism.
The presentation turned out to be very interesting and inclusive, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that every time, in different auditoriums, the public always asks me all new, new questions. This speaks to the uniqueness of our individualism, it is clear that people in America are very interested in art and cultural differences. For the interested public, a 1-hour verbal presentation is not enough to form knowledge about small pearls in the Caucasus region, or even in other regions, for this, it is necessary to create a regular Georgian cultural development center in the USA where those who want to can always get additional knowledge and popularize Georgia on the entire American continent.
Before the end of the presentation, before leaving Ms. Brittany handed me a small brown envelope with my name written on it, I thanked her and said goodbye, on the way I opened the envelope, and inside the envelope, I found a thank you card written with the name of the library,
Even more euphoric and filled with emotion, this small detail gave me the greatest human joy, first of all, a big thank you to the Hooksett Public Library and the entire library staff, for this small but very emotionally humane gift.
I went home full of positive emotions, thinking about how little is needed to make a person happy.

2/15/2023 Entries 3/4/5 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

Answers to the questions of the theme of Day 38.

Ukraine and bombing.
What is going to happen with the girls?
Do not allow it!

The natural law and needs of a person, filled with testosterone, male fortified by the love of the homeland. Ukraine is bombarded but those who live lavishly are safe, boiling the blood of men, many love to kill, and many love money. Girls can’t let go of anything, they hide or avoid husbands from war, some of them fleeing from the country, they have no financial interest in the war, nor do they blood boil. They will become refugees and spend their whole lives fleeing bombs, why? Because someone who loves money is corrupt, tanks are the best way to kill people in Wheat country.

If you have paralysis of your brain, what can you do? To give you beret?

Beret does not help with paralysis of the brain, there is a complex medical process in the body, with many problems. The encephalic organ no longer works deliberately. Berett will cover himself but will not be covered by further clinical events, and Miancia’s confidante will be covered with a beret to show up beautifully and people like it. Then what happens I don’t know but the beret cannot help to paralyze, in a while everything will appear.

In principle, Putin was a little too late
And he can still catch up
When the last cranes will leave Ukraine
But where will they go?

Now it’s Ukraine’s turn, the cranes on Putin’s initiative are late, but it’s never too late for Putin, it’s too late for the people, everything eventually returns to the owner, perhaps it makes no sense to take anything, but still, they’ll take them away from the war, safely rogue, on the trans-Atlantic route. And there will remain an empty yellow field. Consolidation and the exchange of public thoughts is a fine way of life that we have to bridge between people’s cultures. Post-Soviet countries should not be turned into competitive firms.

How much marmalade was brought to Ukraine
how much brought
what for?

Marmalade and chocolate have long been popular in Ukraine, and the lords of sweets have long ruled the country of wheat.
It seems that only chocolate was not enough, now Ukraine is filled with marmalade, which acts negatively for the Ukrainian people. A sweet memoir of childhood turned into one big wave of an explosion that does not pardon anyone. On the other hand, financial capital accumulates and the Treasury is filled, but this Treasury is not for ordinary people it is the property of individuals who have not yet reached their own goals.

From 9am-10am you need to put in the white car what will go to today’s Presentation.

Entry Six.

February 09, 2023

Agenda for tomorrow, 02/10/23:

Leaving at 6 am for MIT, Boston. We will drive you in in the morning and get you back in the afternoon. You will be going door to door in different departments offering your presentation/ discussion club/etc.

Entry Seven.

Ferbruary 09, 2023

Handout that was available on one of the tables during your presentation on 02/09/23 at the Hooksett Public Library in Hooksett, NH.

2/14/2023 Entry Two The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training and labor

We will listen to your answers to questions from 7am to 9am today, February 9, 2023

They will also become a part of the letter to President Biden as “Questions and Answers”.

From 7am -9am we will listen to answers on corruption and all the days listed in the JOURNAL.

They must all be written down.

And we will send it today to Presedent Biden, together with other letters

You have to be downstairs.

February 09, 2023

Entry one 2/13/2023 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Training and labor

Answers (preliminary, detailed through thoughts)

Question is not clear.

Pre-payment is required.

Listen what you are saying.

Change the subject.

In the Kremlin one can not talk like that.

Thinking is needed.

When marching, don’t spread your legs that wide. Take it into consideration in the future.

This treat was given to goats in the old ages and they immediately stopped milking.

Ukraine and bombing.

What is going to happen with the girls?

Do not allow!

If you have a paralysis of your brain, what can I do? To give you “a berret”?

You cannot drink red wine that much. It is only for healing.

Break. A sign will come later.

Transatlantic way – I know

But where the trains go in Ukraine,

I don’t know, but want to know

Toilets and Ukraine

But there is a formula of happiness “Toilets and Georgia”

Use those

In principle, Putin was a little too late

And he can still catch up

When the last cranes will leave Ukraine

But where will they go?

Maybe to America

As the Ukrainian girls

Spanked on the ass at school like a small child

Stroked on the head at the university (KVN)

And now – the President of Ukraine

And everyone only gives money

And only SHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Development says,

I’ll take it, I’ll take it, I’ll take it

If you don’t see Headquarter of Shipbuilding in Ukraine as your child,

With love, and with money of course

I glorify Ukraine forever and ever, Amen

Glory, glory

Tarapunka and Shtepsel

Could initiate in their show

in the interpretation of Putin-Zelensky and their life hand-in-hand

How much marmalade was brought to Ukraine

how much brought

what for?

They would bring epics about Ukraine

And Gogol, what is allowed

I’m sorry, I was busy from morning to evening

And then Zelenskyy came

Spoke, spoke

A lot and long

I stopped him and asked what are you talking about

And he says you know

Putin is a good person

And Biden too

But Biden gives and gives money

And Putin takes and takes them

I’m confused who should I love

Suddenly a Turk runs out and shouts, I see, I see

And what can the Turks see in Ukraine


2/11/2023 36. The theme of Day 36: A stylish man – “forgive me my dear, but I’m no longer Putin” – Zelenskyy in bed after the battle (war) – Georgia sees everything.


First day model, number XX (first day text)

The form of performance of a student of such and such name

Model of the second day, number XXX (text of the second day)

Form – the creative value of the announcement on the topic of the discussion of children’s drawings and the America community (representatives of America’s sociosystems do not have adequate concepts on the topic of children from the countries of the post-Soviet space and their drawings)

Give the full text of the ad.

Model of the third day XXX (text of the third day list from the website)

Shape – Regulating Presidential Visions on Georgia’s Student Youth

Subtext: We are looking for the princess of Ukraine (a girl with a wreath returning to the country of Ukraine)

Fourth day model (fourth day text)

Form – looking for a princess girl with a wreath in Ukraine

Catastrophic processes and their presentation to the President of America through the concept of a pedestal of freedom in Ukraine, is it being created. The presentation is also possible through Georgian dances in the context of the retinue of the President of America.

2/9/20235. The theme of Day 5: Georgians are not fornicators, Georgians are always of the highest class

Visits in embassies, dated December 30, 2022

At the end of 12/30/2022, we visited Washington once again, this time the main goal was to establish active communication with the embassy. As we arrived in the city, we started dealing with the case and the first stop place was the Chinese Embassy, as soon as the building approached, two co-workers dressed in civil uniforms came out and asked us quietly in English what we wanted and what we came to, we explained our goal in detail, although unfortunately they did not understand anything and began to talk in Chinese on the phone, Shortly, thereafter, a well – dressed elderly man came out, politely hanging out who we were and what we wanted. We explained that we wanted to hand over the letter to the ambassador, looked at the letter, went far, came close to the eyes, then went further, removed the glasses, removed the glasses and told us in a smiley face that there was no problem, thanked and we went up.

We decided to come to the embassies of other countries nearby, but soon I became convinced that the people of Washington and representatives of the diplomatic structure, in general, are very locked up, our open, elementary behavior probably was not indistinguishable in the protocol, and because of this, confused and tense with big eyes looked around.

It also came to the turn of the Russian Embassy, when we arrived at the embassy, we were greeted by a Russian dressed in a soldier’s mandir, and for some reason, we started talking in Russian, we responded in English and explained the purpose of our arrival. Of course, he got confused, did not realize, and started taking photos of our beds, then quickly stepped into the building and outside the fence instead, a man came out, came out of the side, and started taking photos of our car from the covered place, and the most comical thing was his disappearance, he noticed our gaze, quickly ran to the other side of the road, stood on the opposite side of the embassy and stood at a stop, soon the bus came and he disappeared as the bus left… Shortly thereafter, the soldier came out to apologize and told us that he could not deliver the letter. We went backward, and eventually, at the end of the day, we went to my homeland, Georgia’s little modest but, proudly standing embassy in Washington. I stood at the embassy and knocked on the doors, Soon afterward, I was allegedly opened by an employee and opened the doors to a small Georgia, the whole embassy was probably preparing for the Georgian New Year, and the alcohol boxes were Elaga on the floor, the room was messed up and the ambassador was in Georgia. I thought I went into my neighbor’s house in Tbilisi to ask for onions for my Georgian New Year dish.

When I left, I thought perhaps no representative of any country would have left the feeling that I had left when visiting the Georgian Embassy, no one could understand the feeling and the vibes that I experienced, so it was an interesting practice, and I probably had an interesting theory about all this: As we say in Georgia, a child is a reflection of parents in the mirror, perhaps the same can be said of the embassy and country, If you want to understand what kind of bureaucratic or general mentality society lives in different countries, be sure to visit that country’s embassy.

2/8/2023 4. The theme of Day 4: The orangutan is the strong muscle of your motor position

Knowing the Washington D.C dated December 28, 2022

Yesterday I visited 12/26/2022 I visited Washington, where Fermata Art had to publicly portray an art installation dedicated to the crisis in Eastern Europe and the War of Ukraine. I arrived in Washington in the morning, and although the city was long awake, as soon as I entered the city it felt that buildings and streets had a different function compared to other cities, Buildings of institutions, as far as almost everyone looked the same, and at the same time all buildings differed. People were engaged in their work, everyone was in a hurry in their way, it seemed to me that the population here is more diverse in views and origins, and interests, so for some reason, I seem to have seen something in common between Washington and Old Tbilisi, you know, Tbilisi has been a mecca of diversity in the region since ancient times.

With diversity entering the depths of the city, there is a huge differentiation of social classes that I have not previously encountered in any city, this specifics as confusing as it turned out to be for me, these people live in one physical space in one urban section, and there is such an incomprehensible canyon between them, perhaps it caused a lot of misunderstandings and conflict situations.

On the way to the White House where the Fermata Art installation was installed, I had to walk through several streets of the woman and allow me to assess the visual side of the capital, the design of the buildings in the woman was not the same, they were partly reminiscent of communist brutalism, with its aligned wit-angle roughly standing buildings, and partially buildings with a much-airy aesthetic of Italian-Romantic aesthetics depicting episodic sculptures and of course everyone famous Ethereal Eagle.

The number of people in the vicinity of the White House increased, everyone was moving with their interests, tourists with wide-open eyes tried not to miss any small details, police officers and security guards did not pay little attention to the buildings there, and the architecture they were immersed in their routine and checked people with their eyes, and residents went home or at work, they did not look at anything simply in the void and swim in a sea of thoughts. Among so many people and so many social layers, there was an installation of Fermata in the middle, which seemed to have fallen out of the context of that situation and precisely why it became the attention of people and the police, this small project consists of two parts and a bridge of sentences, phrases and most importantly children’s drawings between the two parts that connect these two thoughts, the project attracted the attention of people soon, simple passers-by came and asked what content this project had, After understanding the word Ukraine, the faces began to be frivolous and cleverly started to squeeze their heads, there were several heartbroken patriot people armed with American and Ukrainian flags, they found it difficult to understand the contents of the installation bridge and resorted to a path of familiar alternative protests. Despite the great attention of the state-run police and a few unfounded warnings, Fermata’s installation managed to send a message to people of different layers of the American capital and social class. I think that solving any crisis conflict, only with long sentences and paintings of children, is made with a bridge that will be covered like a shield on the heads of children and will protect them from the brutality of war and contempt.