3/9/2023Entry Six The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks

Another direction

Under the conditions of any government regime, there are identical specific services that, despite ideological differentiation, perform based on standard international protocol, such as distinguished service, and diplomatic missions.
The desire to dominate is an integral part of the human genetic code. After the transition to the patriarchal era, due to masculine deviations, aggressive physical confrontations often took place between societies throughout history. However, it must be said that there were facts with a positive precedent, for example, in the territory of ancient Mesopotamia, where there were many city-states that had their sovereign claims and independent languages, and at the same time they still used a common diplomatic language, Babylonian. It is surprising, although it is a fact that the first diplomatic truce took place in 2850 BC, the treaty is considered the first example in the history of diplomacy that dialogue is the basis of mutual understanding.
What is happening now, many thousands of years later, in our electronic age, even in the process of our cultural reconstruction, is high-tech superpowers are using lethal weapons in wars, unfortunately even today human life is devalued.
The fact is that the diplomatic missions created by us are not able to fulfill the mission assigned to them, we must, every day, discuss the diplomatic mistakes and plans and try to correct them.
In the territory of the largest superstate, it is necessary to initiate the creation of international dialogue clubs, where young adults will be invited and important topics will be discussed, first of all, cultural and artistic topics that unite us the most. An international forum for debate must be created to allow all independent-minded young people to express their thoughts, young people must discuss religious values and similarities in traditions, and adults must clearly distinguish topics such as the damage caused by racism to the world, discrimination and hatred as the origin of evil and violence so on.
Administrators of embassies should clearly understand that supporting such activities is the weapon that will save peace in the future in different regions.
The main problem of embassies and similar institutions is that they refrain from cooperating with public structures that try to raise the culture and, to raise the interest of international communities, start active dialogues between people.
Every such civic idea should be of great value to the embassy, and concerned citizens are a good source for future positive dynamics and a useful action factor for the structure. The main principle based on equality must be considered for any civil individual. After such features, work should be started on a clearly defined action plan regarding the integration of foreign diplomatic missions into the supersociety.
Equally important is the involvement of educational institutions in similar projects. The legitimate cooperation of the world’s leading American universities with other institutions with a common goal will make the struggle for the main goal of the project even more meaningful. During the period of active cultural exchange, I think that many interesting topics will be raised, which will certainly interest the administration of universities and departments, and will ultimately have a positive effect on educational institutions.

3/8/2023 Entry Five The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks

From: Fermata Arts Foundation Inc.

P.O. Box 197

Avon, Connecticut 06001

To: Baktybek A.Amanbaev


Embassy of Kyrgyzstan

2360 Massachusetts Ave NW,

Washington, DC 20008

Letter: FAF-022723-009 – REV2, dated March 1, 2023

Date: February 27, 2023

Re: Fading activity Trojan Horse War – OK

Dear A Cosmic Path on Earth through a child’s drawing

A child’s drawing presented to one or another library of the country of America carries the initial forms of activating the creation of a peacemaking union through the creative condition of the vision of the family of the country of the post-Soviet space captured in the initial alphabet of the picture

(children’s drawing) and carries through the Fermata Arts Foundation institution, which uses the motor motives of the need requested by the families of the inhabitants of the country of America as how to create, how to see a motivational form of conversation on the topic of the family in different structures of the social systems of America – this is the President, the Senate, Congress, city /town management, company management and company teams represented by workers, engineers, professors.

How strong is the spirit of drawing for a thematic conversation in these social systems can be heard / seen through the reviews of a number of libraries at the level of both patrons and librarians ofdepartments who see interest in creating microflora in the library in American cities and towns with an understanding of love for one’s neighbor, love for parents, love to your country.

Children’s drawing and performer of children’s drawings, the creator of the theme of children’s drawings, changing his/her age limit, is looking for an opportunity not to slip through the motor motivational moment for his/her development and the demand of the time, the situation in the countries of Europe, the former USSR and America imposes an understanding of responsibility for those moments of life in his/her country with the format of the world, with the conditions of peaceful cooperation, peaceful living through the cultural forms created by the country that were developed many centuries ago in the country and are currently asking / bearing to fill the voids that were created by the cult of the personal strategic concept of the party form of development of the formation and life of the party apparatus of the USSR.

Stand on your development model, says the leader of the youth movement Nikoloz Gvasalia, a

representative of the country in the person of a student, associate professor, professor, and make an active form in life according to this model, developing your nation to the level of countries of civilization of global countries and countries of small tactical activity due to the territorial population of the nation.

The country of Georgia, which is represented by the leader of the movement Youth and Peace (Pulse of the Planet) Nikoloz Gvasalia creates a dynasty of understanding how to live through the educational concept, every resident of the country sees himself/herself a student until the transition to the status of a student according to the conditions of old age. The development of this is initiated by the country of Georgia, the creation of a series on the state by state form of activity of universities in America, where, as an example, the construction of a conscious form of life will take place both in their own country and in the country participating in this project for the status of No War in the World. There is no war of an oppressed nation. No war is a territorial form of resolving issues of life for the nation.

Associated issues in the initial moment requires initial investments in the development of the

conceptual part of the program at the level of activity during this period, both the leader and the organization represented by the non-profit organization initiating advertising, material forms of activation of various aspects of the model and the development of participation in the development of the quantitative composition of the leaders of this movement for in order for the working capacity to have the status of activity that will be necessary in terms of sufficiency for reaching independence and independent activation of one’s life activity.

Do it and see yourself for the formation and development of the beginning of the model Leader,

representative of the country, student representative of the sociosystems of students to determine and activate the programs that will be covered by this cohort of students who have become participants in this model of their country’s life in the country of America.


The state of society and in our case the society is or society is developed in the context of

understanding the countries of the post-Soviet space, the countries of the European Union and the country created by the motive to leave the country of England due to the elimination of elements of freedom at different levels of socio-systems, both in simple terms, the life of an ordinary person and the concept of administrator, president of the country, manager company, engineer, worker.

Freedom is a word that is an umbrella for the status of the country which is represented by people living in this country who have developed at the level of concepts laid down in the country and who have ceased to see themselves as initiators to promote their country in all spheres of their life, starting from their hearth (house of residence), workplace (the company where the person works), election campaign (the election process in which he/she participates as an employee of the company, as a resident of the country). And in the end, the drugs of laws as the law itself (the constitution of the country) as possible for its development of life and travel, as well as the status / a set of laws that outlines a person’s safe life in all aspects of life from the moment of birth to the moment of the funeral process.

America as a country of the New World matured in the minds of the people of the country of

England and was a possible decisive moment in the life of the people of the country of England to enter the free territories of the earth’s surface and lay a country with the effects of new effects of life on earth, not only for their country but also for the countries of the existing world. A long pleiad from the moment of laying the country’s borders on the territory to the present – see Appendix A – Poster of US Presidents. Each president contributed to the torch that creates light for, gives light to the country of the New World.

Become a participant in the process that the torch that the presidents of the country of America passed from hand to hand creating new global forms of light for all countries of the world. The Fermata Arts Foundation team consists of:

• Tatyana Ishutkina, Executive Director, Fermata Arts Foundation

• Nikolay Synkov, Founder and Residence Artist, Fermata Arts Foundation

• Nikoloz Gvasalia, Volunteer Journalist, Fermata Arts Foundation

thanks Ambassador Amanbaev for the meeting, which he arranged for a thematic conversation on the representativeness of his country Kyrgyzstan in the form of connecting processes that initiate the process of activity of the country’s representative offices in the international arena to outline their line as a country of centuries-old existence, a country entering and introducing and receiving elements of development in the USSR and the countries deliberately liberated by the leaders of the Soviet country for independent coexistence and development and in the world of the capital of the countries headed by the country of America, the New World.

Representative of Fermata Arts Foundation N. Synkov gave an introductory motivation for

communication with representatives of the embassies of the countries of the post-Soviet space.

the meeting initiated and requested by representatives of Fermata Arts Foundation began and

continued with tactical readiness to resolve issues initiated by representatives of the Fermata Arts Foundation team.

The situation of war has created new forms of understanding in all spheres of life of the countries of the post-Soviet space, but I am the ambassador of Kyrgyzstan and I can note through various models that I authorize and see for the development of various elements of the life of the country’s elements in the international arena. I take Fermata Arts Foundation Inc. Objectives and Goals Table (see Appendix B) for consideration, clarification and addition, and if it is possible to make changes or replace it with another form of specific point communication formed during the meeting, the question and the development of the issue. Representatives of Fermata Arts Foundation will receive answers in this direction within a 2-week period (the period can be redefined) ( for approval for inclusion with the permission of the Ambassador).

N. Synkov raised the issue of support at the level of the president of the country of America for this form of situational development as one of the elements of the entry of the country of Kyrgyzstan into the life processes of America, the New World, and all this will take place on some basis that will be agreed with the President of the country of America, Biden. Synkov also noted the naturalistic presentation of representatives of the life of Kyrgyzstan in the areas of theater, cinema, dance, music, musical instruments, and lectures by professors of Kyrgyzstan.

Director Ishutkina also noted opportunities for meetings with managers at the level of the governor, state senator and others that will give a feel for the pulse of the movement of America war or peace and tactical features of the entrance to American substances (states, universities, colleges, schools, kindergartens, libraries).

The categorical representation of the country through specific people must be supported by the US Department of State, this requirement and one of the necessary conditions must be agreed at the ministerial level. Outlines of active conversations through the circles of active members of the representative offices of socio-systems presented by the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan – Appendix C (The Ambassador will write from which circles of representations will be participants) and coordination with the management of organizations/ companies where they have a work quota with the US Department of State and the President of the country, an ambassador responsible for this is also required (another candidate at the discretion of the ambassador). Within a 2-week period, the team of the ambassador of the country of Kyrgyzstan introduces the necessary additions / changes to this text of notes from the meeting that took place on 02/27/23 with the Fermata Arts Foundation team.

During the monthly period, the Fermata Arts Foundation team (the duration of the period is subject to change) gets approval signatures, initiates through an agreement for matching signatures to the participants of this correspondence in the US Department of State and the White House (see Appendix C – a letter from President Biden).

Changes are possible and do not require an activation process to create a new document, but only editorial changes to an existing document.

The next working session on the notes from the meeting as the first reading of the document will take place on 03/27/23 at the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Washington DC (to be confirmed), with the creation of a summary of comments if necessary.


Tatyana Ishutkina Nikolay Synkov

Executive Director Founder and Residence Artist

Fermata Arts Foundation, Inc Fermata Arts Foundation, Inc

Founder & Director Policy Advisor, Energetics

SCHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Development SCHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Develop.

U.S. Shipbuilding Industry Expert U.S. Shipbuilding Industry Expert

Author of 1 patent Author of 11 patents

mbassador Amanbaev,


The purpose of this letter is to provide notes to the meeting

When: on February 27, 2023 at 10:30 am

Where: Embassy of Kyrgyzstan [2360 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008]

Participants: Ambassador Baktybek A.Amanbaev

Asel Yusupova, First Secretary

Nikolay Synkov, Founder and Residence Artist, Fermata Arts Foundation

Tatyana Ishutkina, Executive Director, Fermata Arts Foundation

Nikoloz Gvasalia, Volunteer Journalist, Fermata Arts Foundation

Creative unions are a line of activity that Fermata Arts Foundation initiates through its means of

communication under the children’s drawing programs:

 The Ideal House

 The Peace in the World

3/7/2023 Entry Four The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks

Electronic Oscilloscope

Washington D.C., the capital, is one big electronic radar where everything is controlled by the efficiency ratio method, it is a super state, a huge board electronic circuit in which microelectronic processes take place.
Every microelement in the city is a branch of world cultural history. Everyone’s embassy has its interest in the territory of a super state, a diplomatic mission, a strictly defined project that serves to save and preserve identity in the waves of world globalization. Dialogue, the source of life of civilization, speaking, cultural exchange, and mutual understanding, is a criterion that follows the civilizations of ancient countries and appears in the form of tradition today.
Institutions that should represent individual history are today perverted.
Happy teenagers in agony, their brains full of serotonin, twist and bend to fulfill their daily duties. The coefficient of useful action of a successfully fooled individual falls, but no one is responsible for it, and the syndrome of impunity appears, the carefree element in the comfort zone is no longer motivated to develop.
Financial support of a broken structure leads to further deformation of the institution, and after that, the deformed structure already begins to create wages.
Satisfying human desires and simple passions is done at the expense of public structures, and the fallen humane responsibility towards people sinks into the sea of mercantile interests.
Thinking with human hormones eliminates all resistance and the amplitude of the oscilloscope goes to zero.
Georgia, as the clearest concept of the post-Soviet countries, separated from the realistic side of today’s world, and state structures motivated by the principle of democracy, which, using all resources, tries to take a place on the world stage, we must understand that the production of public activities is a necessary condition for a multicultural society, isolation from the common from cultural projects, will harm the future, general educational processes of the country.
The cultural dialogue became a victim of the public vacuum, which was initiated by the Russian social equality idea.
The transformation of the countries of the former socialist camp to the American-style capitalist system turned out to be quite difficult for the Caucasus region, and the inflationary processes affected Georgia the most. The transformation from the collective market to free wild capitalism is the main reason for the upheaval in the country.
I think the way out of such a situation is not only to fight against the craving for individual human desires. In my opinion, the most effective way to solve the problem is to dismantle the corrupt systems that have changed the old system and are now adapted to the modern system.

3/6/2023 Entry Three The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks

Uzbekistan: Student club & cultural center

The graphic table developed by the Fermata Art Foundation accurately reflects the alignment of Fermata’s objectives and goals in the fields of cultural and artistic activity.
In the top row of the table, cultural activities are distributed, and in the first column of the table, skills acquired through cultural activities or general cultural development in an individual are presented, and in the first column, the possibility of deepening international dialogues as a result of cultural activities is also found.
For example, Fostering intercultural education and communication, presented in the first line, is in full agreement with the FAF Program/projects, of which Children Drawing “Ideal House” is a part. , do not have a specific language and they are a common world treasure and a unique language with which we can communicate with each other non-verbally.
It should be noted that such hot topics as Preventing conflicts that mobilize cultural differences and Promoting the implementation of human rights, including cultural
rights are in line with all the pillars of Fermata, based on the fact that any cultural or social activity prevents the limitation of the life and freedom of a person as an individual, unfortunately, a clear example of this is the current post-Soviet space and Ukraine, after the collapse of the communist regime, all kinds of cultural and international dialogues were stopped Among the countries, the new wild capitalist system has led to the development of society not culturally but mercantilely, which has led us to this gravest tragedy, where one human life is not worth the price of one tank.
In the second line of the graph, we find the connection between religious dialogues with artists, which in my opinion is very important, since the cultures of Central Asian and European countries would be a simple void without religious themes. Cultural exchange is the main source that revives art in the world to this day, religious dialogues within the framework of culture will play a very important role in the future, reducing the facts of violence caused by religious fanaticism, and will give a civilized form to the dialogue about the existence of culture in religion.
The mission of the chart represented by Fermata is to achieve the organization’s main idea of creating a bridge of solid cultural dialogue on an international scale, with the help of all fields of culture, and thereby create a future that will be bright and safe for all.

3/5/2023 Entry Two The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks

Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in USA

Mr. Ambassador, first of all, I would like to thank you very much for actively participating in the social events of our non-governmental organization, I am sure that the active cooperation of the official structure of your country and our Fermata Art Foundation will have a positive effect on the cultural and intellectual development of society.
The centuries-old culture of your country is reflected in your ancient and recent history.
As a representative of Georgia, am very glad that I had the opportunity to meet you, and I express my great hope that in the future, on the initiative of your institution, we will have to meet each other in an even larger circle, where other countries of the post-Soviet space will also be represented.
I strongly believe that the cooperation between the official structures of the post-Soviet countries and the Fermata Art Foundation will help us create active international, cultural dialogues between the youth of these countries, which in the future will prevent us from violently resolving active conflicts in the region.

3/4/2023 Entry One The theme of Day 42: Speech paralysis: give me tanks, give me tanks, give me tanks – European Union Biden says I will cure, Give tanks

Beardsley Public Library Online Presentation Notes

On February 23, 2023, we held a Nikoloz Gvasalia-Fermata Arts Foundation presentation for Beardsley Public Library. Compared to other libraries, this presentation turned out to be quite unusual. Due to meteorological and technical reasons, our NGO and Beardsley Public Library decided to present the lecture in the form of a video.
After making the decision, we started organizing the recording studio in a few minutes, I have never had any experience in electronic communication, but we soon organized the studio, set up art installations, and started recording.
The first and main problem, for me, was probably the absence of a slide show, the main course of the presentation is based on the visual side, of course, it is much easier to explain the visual picture to the audience than to talk to them about the topics and culture that is foreign to them. I tried to solve this problem and after my speech, I tried to introduce the visual side of my presentation to the audience.
Other aspects of the presentation went well for me, especially the question-and-answer session with Mr. Nikolay Synkov was very interesting, as well as the detailed description and explanation of the art installations.
Overall, I can say that the new challenge, the virtual side of the presentation turned out to be very informative and interesting for me. Such innovative ways, I think, are a source of great experience.

3/3/2023 Entry Six 41.The theme of Day 41 Nail factories all over Ukraine To whom to sell -to Georgia in exchange for tangerines

Lungs Full of Asphalt Dust

Loneliness, intense fear of loneliness is embedded in a person’s genetic code, this is a kind of instinct for self-survival, we always need a person on the sidelines, because the soul of alone is empty from the inside and finally the fear kills us, Mother Nature so decided to protect us, so we are always looking for each other. Maybe death scares us less than we are afraid of staying without a loved one in old age or even in the middle of age, those loved ones who spend much of their lives with us have feelings associated with us, and we named this feeling of love.
We generally don’t think much about these issues, we may think about it for a second, but soon we are thinking about another more important, topical topic that is more relevant in our daily lives, for example, we should write homework, we should not be late at work, we need to learn to make money at the end! And if we were left alone? Or we went far from our residency area, in a foreign environment… At this time, our historical instinct is already waking up, and urgently our priority thoughts become a search for loved ones, the loved ones, who we trust. At this time our home and home city become ideal in our thoughts, we even miss the smell of street dust thrown from dirty asphalt on hot summer days, everything reminds us of the time we spent with loved ones, in a safe environment where everything is familiar, as if it is yours, belongs to you and there is no danger, you are well smiling when thinking about it, however, later this is followed by other thoughts, Maybe those dust and smog-covered city streets are no longer mine?! Maybe when I inhale, I can no longer feel the smell of the house in which I have spent my whole life. At this time, you go to the second stage, and these nostalgic thoughts become infantile and peripheral to you, you become part of a foreign environment, and you realize that you do not disappear the other way, the ability to adapt by the way is also a gift of Mother Nature. Soon, you will no longer pay attention to the little details, and no longer compare your current home with your home county, and slowly the environment of a stranger to you, the environment full of dangers, becomes common for you, a new city in which you live, already becomes familial as a hometown, you find new people, friends and begin to trust them.
Of course, you also miss home, but you can’t do anything…
You can’t go there, it’s difficult there, especially if you got a job, you don’t have time anymore… you don’t know when you will return, but you will, one day. Yes, you work a little, maybe it’s better to stay a little longer and then come back? There is also the smell of asphalt dust here. And I have new friends. The land is land, grapes will also be fine here, so what. After a while, the stubborn thought that draws you to your home disappears, the house is perceived as a newly used environment, and you miss your loved ones, but the thought that because of them you have to return to that miserable environment is no longer suffocating. So monotonously, in a slow rhythm, thanks to our instincts, we adapt to the new wild environment and make it home.

3/2/2023 Entry Five The theme of Day 41 Nail factories all over Ukraine To whom to sell -to Georgia in exchange for tangerines

Caucasus, Oath and Code of Man

The history of Georgia is not so rich with revolts and revolutions. If we look at the history of Georgia, we will see that there has never been a civil uprising in Georgia, which is very strange, because there are episodes in almost all countries of the world when the disaffected population unites against the king and declares disobedience. Not a single legitimate king of Georgia was executed or simply removed from the royal throne, and in Europe, at this time there is a completely different picture, the history of medieval Europe is full of dramatic events and rebellions against the government, often even the Middle East did not trust the kings, there were frequent conspiracies against the kings or in public Even the execution.
Why Georgia was an exception?
There is no exact answer to this question, although there are several opinions in this regard, Georgians have always been distinguished by their special religiosity, to this day Georgia is a country where 90% of the population are devout Christians. According to old legends, Georgian kings (Bagrations) were originally from Israel, it was believed that they were descendants of King Solomon, it turns out that kings were a direct connection to God for Georgians, that’s why Georgians never rebelled against kings. We should add the code of not breaking the oath.
The cult of oath exists in the Caucasian culture since ancient times, it stems from idolatry, the Caucasian people thought that there is no great shame in breaking an oath, in Georgian history there were cases when a prisoner with a death sentence was released to say goodbye to his family based on an oath, the strong tradition of the oath and the manly code did not give Georgians the right to betray for the king.
Despite all this, some nobles were jealous of the Georgian royal family and they went to all lengths to seize total power, there were cases when they even cooperated with foreign conquerors, but they never managed to realize their goal and were either punished by death or spent their whole lives in exile. Despite the loyalty of the Georgians, there were often wars between the nobles in Georgia, which brought destabilization to the country, the nobles killed their brothers because of their ambitions, and this weakened the idea of ​​the unity of the country, that is why the kings of united Georgia always tried to strengthen the influence of the central government in the regions, which caused even more irritation of the nobles and the confrontation more And it was getting stronger.
The existence of the manly code in ancient Georgia is well reflected in Georgian poetry, the Georgian poet Vazha Pshavela was born in Mtuli, he was born on May 15, 1861, the poet and prose writer was originally from the mountainous region, it was in the high mountainous regions of Georgia that the traditions and habits of the manly code were best preserved, fortunately, Vazha Pshavela often reminded the reader about these traditions in his works, he wrote the epic poem “Guest-Host”
The poem was first published in 1893 in Tbilisi and it is considered to be the masterpiece of Georgian literature It is compulsory reading in Georgian schools.
Though the host, Joqola, is Muslim, and his guest, Zviadauri, is Christian, the poem refers only very vaguely to their differing religious and cultural traditions. It is more about the intertwining of their fates – and the great dignity with which they face their inevitable ends – once they’ve tripped the wire of their communities’ savage, mutual loathing.
Joqola and Zviadauri meet by accident in a damp forest – the ensemble, holding treelike poles and swaying in shadow to a sad mountain melody, remains one of Syndetic’s most mystical images – where both are hunting for deer. These are men who value action over words, so the clipped exchanges Reed writes for them convey an earthy stoicism. After Joqola invites his new companion to his home, to gut and celebrate their kill, their joy is evoked in a virile, ritualized dance.
In the manner of all kinds of knee-jerk vengefulness, things quickly fall apart for them and Joqola’s wife, Aghaza. The village, outraged at Joqola’s flouting of the taboo against giving comfort to the enemy, rallies around the rabble-rousing elder Musa, who demands that Joqola turn over his guest to them. The dissident Joqola, however, citing the revered local mandate for civility and hospitality – “The guest”, he recites, “will be the last to die” – refuses. So the fuse is lighted.
The descent into calamity is orchestrated with a paradoxical beauty. From a sacrifice conducted in the village cemetery to the outfitting of combatants in the rival village, each stylized sequence builds hypnotically on the one before. Drumbeats and ethereal recorded voices further cement the tension.

3/1/2023 Entry Four 41.The theme of Day 41 Nail factories all over Ukraine To whom to sell -to Georgia in exchange for tangerines


My grandfather, Avtandil Menteshashvili, was born in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR. After graduating from the History Faculty of Tbilisi State University, he worked as an assistant, assistant professor, and professor at the Department of History of the USSR TSU. In 1992, he was elected as the head of the Department of History of Russia at Tbilisi State University. The author of 90 scientific publications in Georgian, Russian, German, and English. Among them are monographs on the problem of national relations in Russia, and ethnic -conflicts in the post-Soviet space, in particular, in Transcaucasia.
In 1988-1989, Menteshashvili was on a scientific business trip to the United States at the Russian Research Center of Harvard University. Here he got acquainted with the Archive of the Government of the Georgian Democratic Reservice (1918-1921), which was open for researchers since September 1988. The materials of this archive brought by A. Menteshashvili became the basis for the conclusion of a commission created by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR From the 20th June 1989, on the issues of political and legal assessment of violation of the contract concluded between Georgia and Soviet Russia on May 7, 1920, which, upon the conclusion of the commission, led in February 1921 to armed intervention and occupation of Georgia in February-March 1921 on the part of Soviet Russia.
Of his written works, the most prominent are: “Some National and Ethnic Problems in Georgia” (1992), “Trouble in the Caucasus” (Nova Science Publish Inc. 1995), and “The Collapse of the Emussian and Transcaucasia”. Russia in the 20th Century ”Problems of National Relations (1999). The Russian department of the Harvard Library is used as the source of all three books, from which unknown documents were obtained at that time. The last of his work, which he wrote for the book “Russia in the 20th Century”, unfortunately, he died tragically the next year, so he was going to publish several other papers based on the sources.
Unfortunately, I can’t talk a lot about my grandfather’s personal qualities because I never met him in his life, he died in the year when I was born, though I can say a lot about his literary works that detail every event in the Soviet Republic of Georgia in the 80s Finding, because, at that time, most of the public was obsessed with strong patriotic thinking, which we could not say about the literature of Menteshashvili, where in every line, described in the detailed history of facts.
Hopefully, I will be able to finish my grandfather’s work, which is no less interesting to me. In my opinion, the historical research of conflictology is a prerequisite for future peace.

2/28/2023 Entry Three 41.The theme of Day 41 Nail factories all over Ukraine To whom to sell -to Georgia in exchange for tangerines

Dear Professor Wood,I am Nikoloz Gvasalia, a humanities student at Tbilisi State University from Georgia. I am currently in the United States, volunteering at the Fermata Art Foundation as an officer-journalist. During the period of my academic activities, I conducted several educational lectures in the public libraries of several cities in the territory of New England, with the theme, Esperando models from Georgia – “The World Among The Caucasus Mountains”.On February 10, 2023, I was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to promote my presentation.After visiting several departments, I got to building E-51, where I met you, on the second floor, at your office.I was very pleased by your interest in my future academic activities and presentations. I hope that after our communication, we will discuss many more topics of common academic interests.I am waiting for a decision on a possible initial presentation if your department sees interest in being a participant in this.


Nikoloz Gvasalia