2/22/2023 Entry One 39.The theme of Day 39: Protection of the virtues of the Russian Tsar There is no philanthropy in neighboring states by bribing the foundations of the royal court

Communication with a special needs school #7 in Akhaltsikhe Georgia.

  1. Fermata’s letter sent on 01/13/23 to the school director Lali Karkadze <Akhaltsikhe7@mes.gov.ge>:


On the occasion of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Fermata Arts Foundation

(2008-2023) we are happy to announce a new project “Cosmic Path on Earth through a child’s drawing”. The current situation dictated it.

We have currently started this new project and are looking for new participants.

You have many creative students and it is very important to develop their abilities. It is also very important to show them the opportunities that do exist around them. They will broaden these opportunities through participating in this project.

Your students are invited to participate in the project and draw thematically “Cosmic Path on Earth through a child’s drawing”

Drawings can be made individually or in small teams

Drawing techniques: no limitations

Most of the drawings we receive are 11″ by 17″ (432mm x 279mm). Sometimes there are exceptions: smaller or larger.

The traveling exhibitions made of children’s drawings from this project are traveling around New England public libraries from May of 2023 until January of 2026 (two months in one library).

Project updates will be shared with you as soon as they become available.

Fermata Arts Foundation Questionnaire is another element of this project.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts about YOUR COUNTRY and ART by answering Fermata Arts Foundation questionnaire.

Your answers will become a part of the Fermata Arts Foundation book “Let’s Build a Roof over the World” that is now under development. Once published (planned for October of 2024), it will be sent to the U.S. Library of Congress in Washington DC.

2/21/2023 Entry Eleven 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

Women in Georgia

Many important turning points in the history of Georgia are associated with women’s names. Among them with kings and queens to peasant females. If we adhere to periodicity, the first one that can be remembered is a somewhat mythologized episode – the story of the daughter of the king of Kolkheti, Ayeet Medea. He is not a vengeful face alone, a man of tragic fate, a girlfriend of Argonaut’s leader Jason, who retaliates her for betrayal by killing her children. All of this is preceded by the passion of the Golden Fleece from Colchis to Medea by the same aeronauts.

Even if a woman can govern the country no less than a man, and more Georgians have known since ancient times to turn her into a politically economically powerful state, the example of Giorgi IIIs daughter Tamar also testifies. The 18-year-old young queen had to overcome difficult obstacles, including dealing with the feudal willingness to restore rebellious, lost privileges, which manage to regulate relations again as a result of the diplomacy of women, Kartli Eristavi, Rati Surameli’s mother, Kravai Jakeli, Then was the defeat of the Muslim army in the Battle of Shamkori, a victory against the army of the Rumi Sultan at Bassian. During Tamar’s day, Georgia was a political-economically and culturally highly developed state.

Since Georgian culture is patriarchal, women are assigned a knightly form of respect. A woman can have the role of “breadwinner and housewife” together. Most home affairs are done by women. By gender, there is no apparent division of labor except in the fields of physical labor.
The statue of the mother of Georgia (“Kartlis Deda”), which stands on the slope of Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia), overlooks the whole city from above and perhaps best expresses the national character: in his left hand holds a wine-filled slab with which he hosts friends and holds a sword in his right hand with which he fights enemies.
The most important figure in Georgian culture and mentality has always been the mother, Mother has been perceived in Georgian culture since ancient times as a starter, and a symbol of everything important, this was primarily reflected in the Georgian dictionary, for example, Mother Earth, Mother Tongue, Mother Nature, all these words are naturally created and officially so used in the Georgian language.

The cult of respect for a woman is reflected in the Georgian National Ballet, where a man does not establish physical contact while dancing with a female dancer and from afar tries to prove his loyalty and show him the masculine force that will subsequently protect him, the woman at this time, with gentle movements, looks at the man and his eyes. As a portrait of strength as a woman was often created, Georgian artists, a prominent sculptor of the twentieth century, Merab Berdzenishvili, who has made many masterpieces, clearly showed us in his sculptures, showing us the moral strength of a woman through their eyes, Best of all, this is reflected in one of his works “Medea”, which is now located in the occupied territory of Georgia,(Abkhazia) in The Eyes of Medea, along with despair and fear, power and courage are visible.
Also of course Shota Rustaveli, an XII-century Georgian poet who is perhaps the best example of describing a woman as an independent strong individual, was the source8 of inspiration from the poet Tamar King, who at that time was the ruler of Georgia, Rustaveli shares a peculiar vision of the mightiness and wisdom of Tamar, after reading the ”panthers skin”, you realize that you have learned everything, although you still have doubts that you perceive something differently and cannot understand the thoughts of the poet. To summarize, throughout Georgian history, the glory of Georgia was never represented without a woman, a woman has always been recognized as family, love, or the warmth of a mother.

2/20/2023 Entry Ten 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training and labor

presentation question answers

Unfortunately, the strengthening of Russian imperialist influence in Georgia began in the 19th century, Georgia’s strategic location helps Russia to control the entire Caucasus.
Currently, Russia occupies 20% of Georgia, historical Abkhazia, and Samachablo, (South Ossetia), Russian troops are still stationed in the occupied territories and hold military exercises once a year.
Today, there is no active conflict with the occupied territories, although illegal arrests and abductions of the local Georgian population in the occupied territories by the separatist regime often occur.
Georgia has always been active in world history, Georgia participated in both world wars, in the First World War it participated as part of the Russian Empire, the main battles with the Turkish Ottoman Empire took place in the Caucasus region, in the Second World War on the side of the Soviet Union, 300,000 people from Georgia fought, of which, unfortunately, more than half did not return.
The territory of Georgia is not so big, speaking in numbers, the total territory of Georgia is 26641 square feet.
Georgia has very little oil reserves, as oil is practically not mined on the territory of Georgia, but other rare useful minerals are mined, such as manganese, coal, and phosphate.
Georgia has been an ethnically diverse country since ancient times, today the ethnic majority of the population of Georgia are Georgians, in second place are the neighboring Azerbaijanis, then the neighboring Armenians, there are also many Kurds, Russians, Ossetians, and Jews.
The education system of Georgia has been similar to the Russian education system for years, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the goal of the education reform was to move the Georgian education system completely to the German model, now we can say that Georgia has a European education system.
The connection between Iberia cannot be scientifically explained to this day, despite the similarity of the name, both Iberia has polyphonic sounding songs that are very similar to each other, and our wine cultures are almost identical.
The term Caucasian, i.e. with white skin pigment, comes precisely because of the first homo-sapiens found outside of Africa as a result of the archaeological excavations of Dmanisi, that is, it turns out that the first human-like creature outside of Africa was found in Georgia.
Climate change is a global issue in the world, the annual temperature increase is naturally observed in Georgia as well.
The red crosses on the white flag of the nation are an ode to St. George. The red cross represents St. George, Georgia’s patron saint. The smaller red crosses also represent St. George. The smaller crosses on the flag are bolnur-katskhuri crosses, also known as Georgian crosses.

2/19/2023 Entry Nine 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training and labor

trip to the Mountain View Orthodox Church

Yesterday, February 1, 2023, the Fermata Arts Foundation visited the Russian Orthodox Church in Schoharie, New York. On the way, I looked at the river polished by the cold, and I tried to imagine what the life of the Native Americans would have been like before Columbus discovered America, it is very interesting how the Indian tribes used the resources of this richest nature and how they transformed the environment into their home.
Soon we arrived at the destination, on the hill to the right of the road appeared a simple building with a Russian rounded church dome on top, whiteness, cleanliness, and silence all around, only the sound of our car engine could be heard, it was difficult for us to go uphill because of the snow, but the most important thing is determination, especially if you are going to the temple. on the way to the hill, I noticed the American and Russian flags waving in sync in the wind, the first time I had seen a Russian flag outside the Russian Embassy, ​​much less with an American flag. We walked up to the church doors. A beautiful view appeared of the mountains, and this view was made even more beautiful by the frozen snow of white February, looking at the dome of the church in this beautiful snowy environment, I thought we had come to Dostoevsky’s Russian world, but we were on a small Russian Orthodox island in this huge western ocean. Archbishop Andronik Kotliaroff met us at the church, and we greeted him, after a while, he offered us a small excursion to the church, and we of course happily agreed, overall the church building was huge, heating of the monastery could not be provided due to lack of funds, that’s why the clergy prayed in a small room. The main hall of the church was unusually simple and beautiful, the temple seemed to lack nothing, and it was perfect with beautiful frescoes, luxurious icons, and a dome, there was also a spiritual father, but it seemed that something was missing, the house of God was not like it is in Georgia, then I realized in the church It was the aroma of emptiness. The congregation, congregation is the heart of God’s house that gives life to the walls and creates spirituality. During the detailed inspection, the archbishop took us into the sanctuary, it was my first time entering the sanctuary and I was very nervous, there was a small window on the ceiling of the vault, and from the window, the sun shone directly on the fresco of the Trinity and created a beautiful mystical environment in the silence.
Bishop Andronik Kotliaroff’s past and work are full of interesting facts. He was born in China, in a family of Russian immigrants who fled the Bolshevik terror and took refuge in China. When he was young, he and his parents moved to Australia. At the age of 16, he came to America and entered the theological seminary, and graduated. he later served in the Holy Land as well, and finally, his destiny turned out to be America.
After the excursion, we entered the dining hall, where the bishop entertained us with tea, I soon started my presentation about Georgia, and after reading part of the presentation, the bishop asked me a question about the role of the Georgian people in the events after the crucifixion of Jesus. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that Bishop Andronik was competent in this part of Georgian history.
Later we all sat down and started talking in a cozy environment, I couldn’t wait and asked the bishop:
– Do you think God has a favorite nationality?
he told me:
– No, God loves everyone equally.
I was a little surprised by this answer because I have often heard in the Georgian Orthodox Church that God’s favorite nation is the Jews, and He chose the Jews to establish a direct connection with the mortal world.
We also talked about the financial side of the church’s support, we asked him how he thought about collecting funds to create basic conditions, the bishop did not give us a specific answer, although his principal position was that he would not cooperate with any state structure. The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is a separate institution that tries as much as possible to avoid central control, from the Patriarchate and any state, such a policy allows them to make independent decisions.
What is needed for a huge diocese to survive, is neither funding nor advertising, only God and hope, the hope that tomorrow will be better than today.
On the way back I had a strange feeling, we inspected the temple in detail and talked for 1 hour with the local spiritual leaders, but it was as if I did not see much and did not understand, as if it was all a vague dream that you remember badly in the morning. A small island of Orthodox spirituality stands on the land of the Indians and stubbornly waits for the parishioners who will find honey and spiritual growth there.

2/18/2023 Entry Eight 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Training and labor

From: Fermata Arts Foundation Inc.

P.O. Box 197

Avon, Connecticut 06001

Letter: FAF-020923-016

Date: February 09, 2023

Re: Donation Request: Place of temporary residentce for a student from the Republic of Georgia Nikoloz Gvasalia

To Whom it May Concern

Dear All,

We study the life of a representative of the centuries-old country of Georgia.

Your proposals for the temporary residence of Nikoloz Gvasalia in his apartments to create a model of Georgians in America will be considered and accepted to activate the settlement process on your property. The temporary period of stay in the field of activity is a student with the subsequent development of a journalist in Georgia.

The number of offers is not limited. Settlement will take place in all the proposed places for a greater vision by the representative of Georgia of the asset of the socio-systems of the participants in the program “Art Design of Georgian Forms”.

Contractual document for accommodation – see below.

I, Nikoloz Gvasalia, undertake to keep in integrity, safety, cleanliness provided to me by


(fill a name)

a place for residence (a room)

area of ____________ (sq. f)

floor ______________

address: ___________

until I make a decision that living on this property is over

which will be indicated on this contract form or will be presented to the owner of the property

__________________________ (indicate the name)

Nikoloz Gvasalia, Volunter Journalist

Fermata Arts Foundation

2/17/2023 Entry Seven 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

MIT experience
Today, February 10, on a sunny but slightly windy day, we left for Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, where I had to propose to the administration of various faculties of MIT collage, the presentation of Esperanto Models From Georgia (The World Among The Caucasus Mountains) organized by the Fermata Arts Foundation. The radius of MIT campuses is the size of a small city, the old buildings adorned with antique columns and the bewildered students chaotically mingling like ants in the streets, and perhaps this is the main attraction of this place.

My first destination was Room 231 of Building 7, where the Department of Architecture was supposed to be. After orientation for a while, I went to the door of the office, but unfortunately, I found the office empty and locked, I decided to look around the auditoriums, and finally, I went to office 264, where I met one of the professors, we had a long conversation, I explained everything to her in detail, unfortunately, the professor told me that it is similar to this department They are not interested in events, although they advised me to use e-mail,
Before I left, I asked the professor which building he recommended me to go to, the professor after thinking for a while told me to go to building 14 because that’s where the architecture department was, I left disappointed and ran into building 14, after 10 minutes of walking around the campus, I reached my next destination, However, building 14 turned out to be a library, I did not hesitate and entered the library, I quickly went to the young receptionist and greeted him, explained in detail who I was and what I wanted, the young librarian was a little confused and after a short pause said that he could not help me, I asked him if it was possible to meet with the library administration, however, he told me that it was impossible because they are not in the building, and when I asked for their e-mail details, he told me that he did not know exactly and advised me to find the address by myself through the Internet. Unfortunately, I left the library disappointed and left for the third destination.

The third place, a little further away, was in building E51, where the Department of History is located, after about another 10-15 minutes of walking, I reached the building easily, and soon found the main office of the department, but unfortunately it was locked, I had to leave for the third time, disappointed when, from the back, I heard a voice, “Can’t I help you?” I turned around and saw a lady, I went to greet her and introduce myself, I explained everything in detail, what I do and what interests I have, it turned out to be this lady, history professor Elizabeth A. Wood. Within MIT, Professor Wood serves as co-director of the MISTI Russia Program, Coordinator of Russian Studies, and adviser to the Russian Language Program. She holds a secondary appointment in MIT’s Global Studies and Languages Section, so we had a long pleasant conversation, I told her about my goals, who my grandfather was, and of course about the Fermata Art Foundation, we exchanged business cards, and Ms. Elizabeth asked me to be sure to contact her about my presentation.

I left the 3rd building with positive emotions, it’s a very good feeling when you find a person of common interests. At the end of the trip, I decided to try to interview people in the territory of the rest of the departments, but unfortunately, the building was almost empty of members of the administration, and wherever I asked, I was told that it would not be possible to interview them today.
In the end, today turned out to be very informative and productive, despite the frustrations, this activity played a very positive role for me.

2/16/2023 Entry Six 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

Trip To The State Of Liberty
On February 9th, we, Fermata Art Foundation, left for the state of New Hampshire, like the previous trip to the state of liberty, this time we were hit by bad weather, in the dark, icy rain beating down on us with all its might, as if trying to prevent us from reaching our destination. After a few hours of driving, we arrived at the Hooksett Public Library, where we were to hold our presentation.
The library building was cozy, library staff met us at the main door and gave us a small tour of the building. We soon started setting up the art installations in the great hall, after the technical preparation of the presentation, we had a little time left before the start, I took advantage of this time to talk to one of the administration members, Ms. Brittany Overton, who turned out to be a former journalist, I was happy with this detail because it was a nice short We started talking about journalism.
The presentation turned out to be very interesting and inclusive, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that every time, in different auditoriums, the public always asks me all new, new questions. This speaks to the uniqueness of our individualism, it is clear that people in America are very interested in art and cultural differences. For the interested public, a 1-hour verbal presentation is not enough to form knowledge about small pearls in the Caucasus region, or even in other regions, for this, it is necessary to create a regular Georgian cultural development center in the USA where those who want to can always get additional knowledge and popularize Georgia on the entire American continent.
Before the end of the presentation, before leaving Ms. Brittany handed me a small brown envelope with my name written on it, I thanked her and said goodbye, on the way I opened the envelope, and inside the envelope, I found a thank you card written with the name of the library,
Even more euphoric and filled with emotion, this small detail gave me the greatest human joy, first of all, a big thank you to the Hooksett Public Library and the entire library staff, for this small but very emotionally humane gift.
I went home full of positive emotions, thinking about how little is needed to make a person happy.

2/15/2023 Entries 3/4/5 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training labor

Answers to the questions of the theme of Day 38.

Ukraine and bombing.
What is going to happen with the girls?
Do not allow it!

The natural law and needs of a person, filled with testosterone, male fortified by the love of the homeland. Ukraine is bombarded but those who live lavishly are safe, boiling the blood of men, many love to kill, and many love money. Girls can’t let go of anything, they hide or avoid husbands from war, some of them fleeing from the country, they have no financial interest in the war, nor do they blood boil. They will become refugees and spend their whole lives fleeing bombs, why? Because someone who loves money is corrupt, tanks are the best way to kill people in Wheat country.

If you have paralysis of your brain, what can you do? To give you beret?

Beret does not help with paralysis of the brain, there is a complex medical process in the body, with many problems. The encephalic organ no longer works deliberately. Berett will cover himself but will not be covered by further clinical events, and Miancia’s confidante will be covered with a beret to show up beautifully and people like it. Then what happens I don’t know but the beret cannot help to paralyze, in a while everything will appear.

In principle, Putin was a little too late
And he can still catch up
When the last cranes will leave Ukraine
But where will they go?

Now it’s Ukraine’s turn, the cranes on Putin’s initiative are late, but it’s never too late for Putin, it’s too late for the people, everything eventually returns to the owner, perhaps it makes no sense to take anything, but still, they’ll take them away from the war, safely rogue, on the trans-Atlantic route. And there will remain an empty yellow field. Consolidation and the exchange of public thoughts is a fine way of life that we have to bridge between people’s cultures. Post-Soviet countries should not be turned into competitive firms.

How much marmalade was brought to Ukraine
how much brought
what for?

Marmalade and chocolate have long been popular in Ukraine, and the lords of sweets have long ruled the country of wheat.
It seems that only chocolate was not enough, now Ukraine is filled with marmalade, which acts negatively for the Ukrainian people. A sweet memoir of childhood turned into one big wave of an explosion that does not pardon anyone. On the other hand, financial capital accumulates and the Treasury is filled, but this Treasury is not for ordinary people it is the property of individuals who have not yet reached their own goals.

From 9am-10am you need to put in the white car what will go to today’s Presentation.

Entry Six.

February 09, 2023

Agenda for tomorrow, 02/10/23:

Leaving at 6 am for MIT, Boston. We will drive you in in the morning and get you back in the afternoon. You will be going door to door in different departments offering your presentation/ discussion club/etc.

Entry Seven.

Ferbruary 09, 2023

Handout that was available on one of the tables during your presentation on 02/09/23 at the Hooksett Public Library in Hooksett, NH.

2/14/2023 Entry Two The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth training and labor

We will listen to your answers to questions from 7am to 9am today, February 9, 2023

They will also become a part of the letter to President Biden as “Questions and Answers”.

From 7am -9am we will listen to answers on corruption and all the days listed in the JOURNAL.

They must all be written down.

And we will send it today to Presedent Biden, together with other letters

You have to be downstairs.

February 09, 2023

Entry one 2/13/2023 38.The theme of Day 38: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Training and labor

Answers (preliminary, detailed through thoughts)

Question is not clear.

Pre-payment is required.

Listen what you are saying.

Change the subject.

In the Kremlin one can not talk like that.

Thinking is needed.

When marching, don’t spread your legs that wide. Take it into consideration in the future.

This treat was given to goats in the old ages and they immediately stopped milking.

Ukraine and bombing.

What is going to happen with the girls?

Do not allow!

If you have a paralysis of your brain, what can I do? To give you “a berret”?

You cannot drink red wine that much. It is only for healing.

Break. A sign will come later.

Transatlantic way – I know

But where the trains go in Ukraine,

I don’t know, but want to know

Toilets and Ukraine

But there is a formula of happiness “Toilets and Georgia”

Use those

In principle, Putin was a little too late

And he can still catch up

When the last cranes will leave Ukraine

But where will they go?

Maybe to America

As the Ukrainian girls

Spanked on the ass at school like a small child

Stroked on the head at the university (KVN)

And now – the President of Ukraine

And everyone only gives money

And only SHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Development says,

I’ll take it, I’ll take it, I’ll take it

If you don’t see Headquarter of Shipbuilding in Ukraine as your child,

With love, and with money of course

I glorify Ukraine forever and ever, Amen

Glory, glory

Tarapunka and Shtepsel

Could initiate in their show

in the interpretation of Putin-Zelensky and their life hand-in-hand

How much marmalade was brought to Ukraine

how much brought

what for?

They would bring epics about Ukraine

And Gogol, what is allowed

I’m sorry, I was busy from morning to evening

And then Zelenskyy came

Spoke, spoke

A lot and long

I stopped him and asked what are you talking about

And he says you know

Putin is a good person

And Biden too

But Biden gives and gives money

And Putin takes and takes them

I’m confused who should I love

Suddenly a Turk runs out and shouts, I see, I see

And what can the Turks see in Ukraine
