The Stalin episode

When talking about the history of Georgia in the 20th century, we must definitely mention, arguably the most famous Georgian in world history, this person created his era, and he was the ruler of the greatest state of new and recent history, this man is Joseph Stalin.
Stalin was born in the small town of Gori in Georgia on December 21, 1879, his real name is Josep Jugashvili, Stalin is his pseudonym, which was named after him due to his strength of character, Stalin means steel in Russian. Stalin created his image, or cult of personality, which probably resembles the most egregious absolute monarchy, the dictator’s role in history is still relevant.
For part of society, he is associated as the creator of a bloody regime that mercilessly and for no reason killed millions of people in work camps, human life for him and individualism had no price. And for many, he remains a hero to this day, having defeated Nazi Germany and allowed the Soviet Union to stand on the side of the twentieth-century super-state, as Winston Churchill said, He came to the Soviet government with a sickle and left it with a nuclear weapon.
Both opinions are acceptable, because in both opinions there are historical facts and events, although the most interesting and objective is probably the opinion of an ordinary citizen living at the time, who saw the period of his rule, perhaps according to the psychoanalysis of these people we can assume what the Soviet Union was like at that time, I remember my grandmother telling me stories in my childhood, How her family was deported to the desert without any grounds, from the capital of Georgia, simply based on some doubts, my grandmother’s mother and father with 4 sisters and brother, found themselves in the desert of middle Kazakhstan, I remember my grandmother telling the hardest stories about their exile, the traumas, that multi family had to endure without all kinds of communication in the wilderness, imagine how strong people were that they still did not lose hope, and despite such misfortune they tried to keep the mood that everything would be fine, but the most interesting and strange thing is that when telling these stories, I did not see anger or disgust towards Stalin, Just imagine how much authority and influence this one simple person had that, his own exiled courageous schoolgirl wrote poems about him and wished him happiness.
What is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, society will probably always argue about it, and everyone will always try to show their truth as a reality.
In my opinion about historical figures, in this case, Stalin, correct or wrong, kind or evil cannot be clarified, the only thing we can boldly talk about historical personalities and events is facts that are neither bad nor good, they simply are.