4/1/2023 Entry Two The theme of Day 49: Turn it off. Turn it off. I’m telling you Turn it off – the tanks are over – Germany. Remained – stand up, all victims of oppression ….

Although it is impossible to predict what will happen in the ongoing crisis on the EU-Belarus border, likely, these events will further accelerate the process of building walls and passing fences in Europe, which has already begun.

We may soon see a new “Iron Curtain” come down, dividing the continent once more. And while it no longer stretches “from Stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic,” as Winston Churchill put it in his legendary speech in 1946, new barriers are likely to arise in more and more places, dividing EU members from non-members.

The EU is currently trying to respond to Alexander Lukashenko’s most cynical plot against the West – bringing thousands of migrants from the Middle East, especially Iraqi Kurds, into the country, busing them to the borders of Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, and inciting them at the border to find their way to the EU.

Sanctions are likely to be imposed that will affect Belarusian airports, various transport companies, and people responsible for these migration flows.