3/3/2023 Entry Six 41.The theme of Day 41 Nail factories all over Ukraine To whom to sell -to Georgia in exchange for tangerines

Lungs Full of Asphalt Dust

Loneliness, intense fear of loneliness is embedded in a person’s genetic code, this is a kind of instinct for self-survival, we always need a person on the sidelines, because the soul of alone is empty from the inside and finally the fear kills us, Mother Nature so decided to protect us, so we are always looking for each other. Maybe death scares us less than we are afraid of staying without a loved one in old age or even in the middle of age, those loved ones who spend much of their lives with us have feelings associated with us, and we named this feeling of love.
We generally don’t think much about these issues, we may think about it for a second, but soon we are thinking about another more important, topical topic that is more relevant in our daily lives, for example, we should write homework, we should not be late at work, we need to learn to make money at the end! And if we were left alone? Or we went far from our residency area, in a foreign environment… At this time, our historical instinct is already waking up, and urgently our priority thoughts become a search for loved ones, the loved ones, who we trust. At this time our home and home city become ideal in our thoughts, we even miss the smell of street dust thrown from dirty asphalt on hot summer days, everything reminds us of the time we spent with loved ones, in a safe environment where everything is familiar, as if it is yours, belongs to you and there is no danger, you are well smiling when thinking about it, however, later this is followed by other thoughts, Maybe those dust and smog-covered city streets are no longer mine?! Maybe when I inhale, I can no longer feel the smell of the house in which I have spent my whole life. At this time, you go to the second stage, and these nostalgic thoughts become infantile and peripheral to you, you become part of a foreign environment, and you realize that you do not disappear the other way, the ability to adapt by the way is also a gift of Mother Nature. Soon, you will no longer pay attention to the little details, and no longer compare your current home with your home county, and slowly the environment of a stranger to you, the environment full of dangers, becomes common for you, a new city in which you live, already becomes familial as a hometown, you find new people, friends and begin to trust them.
Of course, you also miss home, but you can’t do anything…
You can’t go there, it’s difficult there, especially if you got a job, you don’t have time anymore… you don’t know when you will return, but you will, one day. Yes, you work a little, maybe it’s better to stay a little longer and then come back? There is also the smell of asphalt dust here. And I have new friends. The land is land, grapes will also be fine here, so what. After a while, the stubborn thought that draws you to your home disappears, the house is perceived as a newly used environment, and you miss your loved ones, but the thought that because of them you have to return to that miserable environment is no longer suffocating. So monotonously, in a slow rhythm, thanks to our instincts, we adapt to the new wild environment and make it home.