4/24/2023 Entry Two The theme of Day 53: Has Trump learned to talk: checkmark or international speaker Give Trump an audience-Russia.

The work of secret, counter-intelligence services begins in early history, if we draw a parallel, we can say that the first secret service in Georgia was founded during the reign of Davit Agmashenebeli. To restore the broken and impoverished state to its feet, the “service of nobles” was created, whose direct task was to collect information about alleged crimes, and to collect confirmed information about nobles who had a claim to the independence of their province. The aforementioned service also worked with bribery methods and rewarded informants, while the courts treated criminals with the most brutal methods.
Similar services existed even in the early years of Tsarist Russia. We have reported that during the time of Ivan Mriskhane, there was a secret intelligence service that investigated and prevented the activities of potential criminals, and in this case, they were also brutally punished. The difference between modern and past secret service operations is that in the olden days, the punishment of the accused was done in public for all to see so that everyone knew what to expect if he went against the state.

Such services have always been subordinate to the government, their actions and strategies were based on the orders of state institutions. However, everything changed in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the smell of revolution had been swirling for a long time. The culmination of the class conflict became the revolution, the revolution turned out to be uniquely brutal and bloody, and later even turned into a civil war. The organizers of the revolution certainly carried out agitation and organization of the ordinary society for revolutionary actions, it was during this period that the term “Red Terror” was formed. The Red Terror became a symbol of the civil movement, and after the revolution, Soviet-motivated social movements were given full legitimacy to conduct independent investigations and identify counter-revolutionaries and traitors to the country, they drew up lists and wrote on the lists innocent citizens of the princely origin or even those who were unacceptable to them, and the public court He issued a sentence and the persons on the list were either imprisoned in Siberia, pierced or put in prison. Later, the secret police and the Cheka were created, which were already organized at the state level and began to arrest and execute people with anti-Soviet and anti-collectivism ideas.
The Red Terror, the repressions carried out during the first years of the founding of the Soviet Union, killed many people, almost the entire intelligentsia was destroyed, and there were no longer nobles and bourgeois in the country.

The repressions ended, Lenin was killed, and Stalin, a Georgian Bolshevik, won the battle to become the head of the Soviet Empire.
The peak of the Red Terror was already over, but suddenly the leader of the USSR decided to start a new terror, but in this case already on the eve of the officials who were at the head of the October Revolution and took an active part in the organization. The list turned out to be quite long. The majority of the repressed Bolshevik high officials turned out to be of Jewish or foreign origin, they were mostly tried under the article of espionage for the benefit of a foreign country and were executed in the Gulag without the right to correspond. Even some generals, the heroes of the revolution, followed the repressions and ended up in prison.
The new government was planning a change, and by the 1930s, the Soviet people needed to find an evil enemy to unite against a common misfortune and create a government of heroism. The villain who planned to betray the country is in jail or shot, this evil man brutally killed our innocent citizens during the red terror. It was this narrative in the action of the leadership of the time, along with the removal of relatively foreign competitive political figures from the state arena, that strengthened one-man rule.
And indeed, this tactic worked very well for Stalin and his inner circle, their rule was cemented and not shaken until Stalin’s death.

The Soviet Union collapsed, and 15 republics are now independent, but Soviet influence and imperialism have not disappeared. The majority of the rulers of the post-Soviet space of the 90s remained former communist high-ranking officials. Common trade and military blocs will be created. However, not all countries were affected by this. It is unnatural for Georgia to voluntarily give up the right to independent existence. Accordingly, the rule of the former communist leader in the country weakened in the early 2000s, the Georgian people expected changes from the new people. It is logical that in the end, with a peaceful revolution, the Shevardnadze government resigned and the new government was headed by Mikheil Saakashvili. The pro-Western course of the new government became a sign that the country became popular in the world, and Western institutions satisfied with democratization began to actively allocate funds. For reforming the country, initially, everything went right and the country was on the course of balkanization, which means that the country had the prospect of joining the European structures, which would guarantee its economic stability. But everything did not go as it should, the reform of the country’s police on the one hand produced positive results, but at the same time, it gave the force structure unlimited power, which is why the police regime began to be established. Saakashvili as a ruler soon turned into an authoritarian ruler. Parliament could no longer limit its power, and naturally, all of this led to a conflict between the majority of society and the government. Mass rallies began, with out-of-control police forces drowning and even killing protesters. The last point of the public’s patience turned out to be video footage of the prison, where it was shown how the members of the regime were torturing the prisoners.
Changes were needed, and everyone understood this, and billionaire Ivanishvili, who created his party and decided to become the head of the country, understood this. Ivanishvili defeated Saakashvili by a wide margin in 2012. Later, a judicial search was announced for Saakashvili. Saakashvili fled the country and became a citizen of Ukraine. After an unsuccessful career in Ukraine, he decided to return to Georgia and quietly entered the country with a container full of sour cream jars. He was caught, tried, and sentenced to 6 years. The current government considers Saakashvili’s regime to be criminal, and several high-ranking officials of that regime have been sentenced to prison here.

In this case, as well as in the case of Stalin’s repressions, the list of criminals includes the participants and organizers of the revolution, the first wave of the regime. They are similarly perceived as international agents and traitors to the country. The current government of the country has been ruling the country for the 11th year, thanks to the fact that they created an evil force in the name of Saakashvili and unwittingly united the Georgian people around it. People remember the “Red Terror” as bitterly as the prisoners who were raped in the prison during Saakashvili’s time. The government has been running for 12 years under the name “Saakashvili in prison or Georgia will not exist” and it is popular among the people because people remember the police regime that oppressed everyone indiscriminately. The list is long, but the fact is that the list works.

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