3/20/2023 Entry One 42. The theme of Day 46:Rastrelli did not visit bars alone. Banning Rastrelli from bar visits (order status)

The Idea of freedom

In the past of any nation, some dates play an important role, not only from a historical point of view, but they have a special role in modern reality or future development. April 9 is such a day in the history of our country, the day when, in 1989, the Soviet Empire once again revealed its true face and dispersed a peaceful rally. Two years later, based on the results of the referendum held in Georgia on March 31, on April 9, Zviad Gamsakhurdia announced the restoration of Georgia’s state independence. It was on this day that modern Georgia was born. Today, 20% of the territory of our country is occupied, there are big problems that must be solved by the joint efforts of the older, middle, and younger generations, despite the difficulties, there is no alternative to independence and state development.
Freedom, and what is freedom anyway?
We have heard a lot of understandings, visions, and opinions about freedom, but at the beginning of the last century, famous Georgian writer Vazha Pshavela wrote in an excellent journalistic letter “What is freedom?” in a completely understandable way:
“What does freedom require from a person? How should a free person behave? – A free person should behave in such a way that his behavior does not harm others, especially society, but his actions should be directed to the happiness of the country. If this condition is not protected by a person, then his action will be a thug, because every thug acts freely only for personal gain. Therefore, freedom is not expressed only in what you want to speak, write, or do, – no! Everyone’s words and actions should be common, public happiness should be pursued as a guarantee, if it is not beneficial to the country, it should not be harmful or detrimental to the country.”