Entry Two 3/16/2023 The theme of Day 45:France is a strategic point to start understanding – I will build a better army rather than to create the image of the army – Dassault Systemes in Waltham, MA

Tbilisi is a strange city, it has many faces…
I am ashamed that during the city war, when brothers were killing each other in the center of Tbilisi, people were arguing about the price of walnuts and broth at the desert market, and excitedly preparing to spread the festive table.
Anger chokes me when I remember the war of 2008… I could hear the phrase on television to scare the people of Tbilisi, to achieve their peace of mind: “Don’t be afraid, the tanks have turned to Orchosan”. (Orchosani is a small village near Tbilisi), the main thing is that we are no longer in danger – this was the attitude of Tbilisi snobs…
This is the city where the democrats and revolutionaries who were exiled all over the world found refuge in the Nadzaladevi district.
This is the city where the people of Plekhanov put Kika (a famous person from Tbilisi) dressed in a thrift shop costume in a car to promote Khrushchev and thus expressed their protest against the anti-Georgian hysteria of the General Secretary.
This is the city where hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protect their mother tongue without an organizer. The voice spread by itself among the people, the media did not announce the demonstration, and no one could speak about the gathering out loud.
This is the city where the squares were filled to strengthen the environmentalist positions of Professor Levan Asatiani, Professor Merab Aleksidze, Professor Givi Tumanishvili, to save Svaneti (one of the regions of Georgia), to destroy the Transcaucasian railway project.
This is the city where my grandfather didn’t let his children watch the TV, because the next-door neighbor died, and the sound doesn’t come out, it’s a shame; where my grandmother always kept separate chocolates in the chest of drawers (we still knew, we had detectors) and pristine bed linen for guests coming from West Georgia; Where the doctor Koba Petriashvili walked through the darkened and gang-filled city in the middle of the night to calm the nervous mother due to her son’s high temperature and bring medicine to the child.

One thought on “Entry Two 3/16/2023 The theme of Day 45:France is a strategic point to start understanding – I will build a better army rather than to create the image of the army – Dassault Systemes in Waltham, MA”

  1. March 18, 2023

    The World Among the Caucasus Mountains
    Sat, March 18, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
    To register CLICK HERE

    Join us for a presentation and Q&A session on the republic of Georgia. Visiting student Nikoloz Gvasalia from Tbilisi State University will share about the culture, customs, and life from his home country.

    Leaving for your presentation @ 11am

    March 17, 2023
    March 18, 2023
    March 19, 2023


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