2/27/2023 Entry Two 41.The theme of Day 41 Nail factories all over Ukraine To whom to sell -to Georgia in exchange for tangerines

Six months in America

I left Georgia 6 months ago, I have been missing the country of sharp mountains for a long time, and after going through several stages of life in a foreign environment, I realize that it is impossible to compare everything. There are things whose individualism is so different that you cannot find an analog at all. In half a year, I gained enough experience to be able to find the cultural and qualitative characteristics of people based on a detailed analysis.
The rules of life in the perennial, commercial-capitalist system are mainly based on the rule of law, and human moral behavior in many cases depends on individual mental or national habits. Urban life in the States is radically different from European or Eastern European cities, a foreigner obsessed with Hollywood romanticism needs a few hours to understand that there is nothing beyond real space.
However, everyone is busy here, no one cares about anyone, and no one judges you in the concrete jungle. Day by day, life here goes at lightning speed, if you fall behind even a little bit, you will fall and become just a wall. Many cannot stand this stress and chaos and live in the suburbs, where everything is the opposite, time passes so slowly that people hardly grow old, they live in forest massifs permeated with fresh air and learn to live in harmony with nature.
The war is far from here, therefore the sound of shells is not heard, here they just know that Ukraine is suffering under Putin’s fire and America condemns it.
Representatives of the academic circle routinely work with students, in old beautiful buildings, part of the professors clouded by linear thinking do not realize that they are killing the interest of young people with the monotonous routine of the study program, in high drone schools.
what about the home city? what’s the difference?
Hometown is ideal in our thoughts, even the smell of street dust from the dirty asphalt on hot summer days reminds us of carefree years spent with loved ones. A city where everything is familiar and as if it’s yours, every little dusty corner belongs to you. But maybe those city streets covered with dust and smog are not mine anymore?! Maybe when I inhale, I will no longer feel the heavy air that is associated with happy years in me?! A city built of gray concrete, rectangular slabs, with ugly old communist buildings that give the city a color from the past.
Unfortunately, the narrow streets of the small city of Tbilisi are full of cars, the air is filled with harmful emissions and nihilism. The only hope of Georgians tired of hopelessness remains God, who lives there in the old churches.