3/12/2023 Entry 3/4/5/6 ”Ukraine: Dead or Resurrected” – FOR SALE.

Yesterday, February 5, at 14:00, the representatives of the Fermata Art Foundation in Avon made the “Berlin Wall” even more beautiful. We exhibited a banner on which it is written that the miniature art installation initiated by Fermata is for sale under the name: ”Ukraine: Dead or Surrected”. The inscription on the banner offers us to buy this piece of art as a gift for President Zelensky, and the price of this creation will be 1 million dollars under the hammer, but if you decide to buy directly from the counter, the price will be 1 USD.
We are waiting for you all at 24 Brantwood, next to the Berlin Wall!

Visit in Farmington Valley Arts Center

Today, March 6th, at 12:30, I visited the Farmington Valley Arts Center, located in Avon Connecticut, and walked into a very nice plain building, which turned out to be the organization’s office. I entered the administration office room on my own, the building seemed to be empty, but in a few minutes, I met Mrs. Melissa Meredith in the building, first of course I got to know her and told her about my status and background, and after a while, I gave a small presentation about the Fermata Art Foundation, I told her about the initiative of our organization About the projects, first of all, about the active project of children’s drawings, which Fermata has been running for a long time, I also told them about the discussion club that we had formed and explained the importance of such clubs in today’s world, and also invited them to our office at 24 Brantwood and of course offered a presentation, Esperanto models from Georgia, and shared my memories of shopping experiences all over New England.
In the conversation, it turned out that Farmington Valley Arts Center is a non-profit organization, and according to Mrs. Melissa, they are very happy about such positive initiatives. Eventually, we exchanged contact information and I left them promotional leaflets about their projects.

Today, through Fermata’s Berlin Wall, I was allowed to spread our message to the people of Connecticut. This time, the inspiration for our activity is Vasily Kandinsky, one of the founders of abstractionism in painting. The banner was installed today, 3/7/2023, at 3 o’clock, in the vicinity of the Fermata Art Foundation office, and the inscription on the banner reads: Art classes – American style (forms based on Kandinsky The Blue Rider almanac) start at Fermata Arts Foundation @ 24 Brentwood Dr., Avon, CT.
Art classes – Artist-terror- a stud form (forms based on Kandinsky’s The Blue Rider almanac) are active to visit at Farmington Valley Arts Center @ 25 Arts Center Lane, Avon, CT. We hope that similar projects will be the beginning of a friendship with subjects inspired by art.

Youth protests in Georgia

The entire Georgian political elite is completely irresponsible today.
Any political party is vainly trying to take advantage of human resources for personal privileges and will sign bloodshed for it.

The government, on its part, is out of touch with today’s reality, the protest of angry young people is just another provocateurs action for them, and they are baptizing students as Mishistists one by one.

Why is the government in limbo? Due to public passivity, we do not pay much attention to acute social problems in the country, and if we do, we are afraid to protest, because in 3 days, politicians with a dirty past join the rally and the momentum of direct protest dies, the government also believes that everything is fine and the economy is boiling, although the language of the impoverished society The rich political circle will never know.

There is no middle social class in Georgia, there is no such class difference in any post-Soviet country, that’s why we should also understand that the European Union is not the promised land, as long as there is such a social class gap in the country, no one will accept us in EU either.

P.S. protest! curse it! But do not be violent and do not turn into useful idiots for someone.

Esperanto Models From Georgia – Among The Caucasus Mountains

My name is Nikoloz Gvasalia, I am a history faculty student, from the Tbilisi State University of Georgia. Currently, I am working
as a volunteer at the Fermata Arts Foundation nonprofit organization. The main function of our organization is to establish peace in the world through culture and art.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to conduct several informative lectures on Georgian culture and history, a lecture on Esperanto models from Georgia “Among the Caucasus Mountains”, at the end of every lecture, there is a question-and-answer discussion during which a specific detail is discussed.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a department of the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, contains all the majors of MIT University, the department is one of the most prestigious in the world, even though the name of the university is technical, it is a sign that the policy of the educational institution is not focused in only one direction, Which, unfortunately, is often found in other universities.

My presentation includes very interesting anthropological nuances about the first human-like individuals in the Caucasus region, in my project, I will also discuss in detail the uniqueness of ancient Georgian culture and art, independent language families, and scripts that are one of the 14 world scripts. It is also worth noting the great history of Georgian writing during the Georgian Renaissance.

I will be glad if your department, shows interest in my project, and I will have the opportunity to make my presentation which refers to the stages of development of unique Georgian history and art, in the walls of your historic university and make a small contribution to the diversity of education.

I am waiting for your department’s decision, on a possible initial meeting if you see your interest in my presentation.

Nikoloz Gvasalia / Fermata Art Foundation Inc.