2/8/2023 4. The theme of Day 4: The orangutan is the strong muscle of your motor position

Knowing the Washington D.C dated December 28, 2022

Yesterday I visited 12/26/2022 I visited Washington, where Fermata Art had to publicly portray an art installation dedicated to the crisis in Eastern Europe and the War of Ukraine. I arrived in Washington in the morning, and although the city was long awake, as soon as I entered the city it felt that buildings and streets had a different function compared to other cities, Buildings of institutions, as far as almost everyone looked the same, and at the same time all buildings differed. People were engaged in their work, everyone was in a hurry in their way, it seemed to me that the population here is more diverse in views and origins, and interests, so for some reason, I seem to have seen something in common between Washington and Old Tbilisi, you know, Tbilisi has been a mecca of diversity in the region since ancient times.

With diversity entering the depths of the city, there is a huge differentiation of social classes that I have not previously encountered in any city, this specifics as confusing as it turned out to be for me, these people live in one physical space in one urban section, and there is such an incomprehensible canyon between them, perhaps it caused a lot of misunderstandings and conflict situations.

On the way to the White House where the Fermata Art installation was installed, I had to walk through several streets of the woman and allow me to assess the visual side of the capital, the design of the buildings in the woman was not the same, they were partly reminiscent of communist brutalism, with its aligned wit-angle roughly standing buildings, and partially buildings with a much-airy aesthetic of Italian-Romantic aesthetics depicting episodic sculptures and of course everyone famous Ethereal Eagle.

The number of people in the vicinity of the White House increased, everyone was moving with their interests, tourists with wide-open eyes tried not to miss any small details, police officers and security guards did not pay little attention to the buildings there, and the architecture they were immersed in their routine and checked people with their eyes, and residents went home or at work, they did not look at anything simply in the void and swim in a sea of thoughts. Among so many people and so many social layers, there was an installation of Fermata in the middle, which seemed to have fallen out of the context of that situation and precisely why it became the attention of people and the police, this small project consists of two parts and a bridge of sentences, phrases and most importantly children’s drawings between the two parts that connect these two thoughts, the project attracted the attention of people soon, simple passers-by came and asked what content this project had, After understanding the word Ukraine, the faces began to be frivolous and cleverly started to squeeze their heads, there were several heartbroken patriot people armed with American and Ukrainian flags, they found it difficult to understand the contents of the installation bridge and resorted to a path of familiar alternative protests. Despite the great attention of the state-run police and a few unfounded warnings, Fermata’s installation managed to send a message to people of different layers of the American capital and social class. I think that solving any crisis conflict, only with long sentences and paintings of children, is made with a bridge that will be covered like a shield on the heads of children and will protect them from the brutality of war and contempt.